Организация здравоохранения
V.I. Perkhov1, I.B. Naberezhnaya2, V.T. Korkhmazov3
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
2. Astrakhan State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, Astrakhan
3. Kuban state medical university of the Russian Ministry of Health, Krasnodar
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Hi-tech medical care is an important element of a system of domestic health care with long history. However, events of the last years (COVID-19 pandemic, the western sanctions, increase in the budgetary defense expenditure of the country) break the developed relations in society, can lead to reduction of GDP, need of control of growth of costs of social needs. It does relevant researches on assessment of results and prospects of development of the most expensive type of medical care.
Research objective: on the basis of the analysis of key indicators of hi-tech medical care to estimate results of its rendering and to formulate development conditions on the near-term outlook.
Materials and methods. The research is based on data from forms of federal statistical observation, data of the Electronic Budget portal. For assessment of the obtained data methods of descriptive statistics were used.
Results. Volumes of hi-tech medical care grow in modern Russia with the average speed of 10% a year, and annual expenses from the state treasury on VMP reach 0.5 billion rubles. In the period of COVID-19 pandemic volumes of "usual" operations were reduced by 21%, and hi-tech – for 2.1% that testifies to strong economic interest medical the organizations in rendering the help of this type. On an indicator of security of the population with endovascular interventions on coronary arteries Russia approached such countries as Norway and Italy and advances South Korea, Canada, Spain, Great Britain, Portugal. At the same time in the Russian Federation growth of mortality of the population, including working-age, from the most frequent reasons continues. The quality worsens, safety of hi-tech medical care decreases. Postoperative lethality when performing hi-tech interventions on all types of operations increased from 0.90% in 2017 to 1.25% in 2020 and 2021, or by 1.4 times, and at the often carried most out operations on coronary vessels – by 1.6 times (from 2.08% in 2017 up to 3.45% in 2021). There are bases for a low estimate of quality of pricing in the sector of VMP as from year to year there is both an increase, and decrease in the size of the standard of financial costs of the VMP same methods. At the same time the opacity and insufficient availability to society of statistics reflecting the amounts of financing and results of rendering VMP remain.
Conclusions. It is expedient to Government of the Russian Federation to provide a complete elimination of private commercial insurance companies from among participants of processes of distribution and bringing means of the state treasury to the all-state medical organizations providing hi-tech medical care. The Russian Ministry of Health needs to take measures for improvement of an organizational and economic system of rendering hi-tech medical care: to include effective means of assessment of their efficiency and safety in procedures of drawing up the list of high cost types and methods of treatment, to provide quality of calculations of standards of financial expenses and control of excess volumes of the help and also to restore availability to society of medico-economic statistics of the medical care provided at the expense of public funds on each of its types.
Keywords hi-tech medical care, pricing, financing, assessment of medical technologies, lethality, mortality, Programs of the state guarantees of medical care.
Bibliographic reference:
V.I. Perkhov, I.B. Naberezhnaya, V.T. Korkhmazov, KVADRILEMMA OF HI-TECH MEDICAL CARE: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS, FINANCING, QUALITY AND PANDEMIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №1;
URL: (date of access: 30.01.2025).
URL: (date of access: 30.01.2025).
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