Геронтология и гериатрия
N.L. Zhukova1,2, O.Ju. Ignatenko3, U.R. Saginbaev1,2,4, T.V. Stepanova5, A.V. Litynski6, K.S. Korenevich7
1. St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, St. Petersburg
2. St. Petersburg City Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 2, St. Petersburg
3. Medical Information and Analytical Center, St. Petersburg
4. I.P. Pavlov First St.Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg
5. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
6. Taldom Central District Hospital, Taldom
7. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA of Russia, Moscow
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Introduction. In each medical organization, a medical record is created per patient, information in which is practically inaccessible to other organizations engaged in medical activities, which significantly increases the time of medical care, increases the likelihood of error, and also multiplies the cost of medical care due to unnecessary duplicate studies.
The purpose of the work is to study the existing experience of organizing electronic document management in the medical and diagnostic field.
Materials and methods. The materials used are scientific literature from abstract databases, as well as regulatory legal acts.
Results. Organization of electronic medical document management based on structured electronic medical documents is proposed. SEMDs created in the medical information system of a medical organization can be exported to other medical information systems and become available to many doctors at the same time, and the structured information stored in them, built on the same objects of regulatory reference information, can be used for computer processing.
Discussion. The use of SEMD in the process of digitalization ensures the semantic interoperability of information systems involved in the process of information interaction in the field of healthcare, which makes it possible to form a single consistent space of primary medical data with the possibility of building digital medical statistics, systems for supporting medical and management decision-making on their basis. The integration of the laboratory information system is an important link in improving the ways of bilateral data exchange between medical organizations and is regulated by Order No. 193-r of the 26.05.2016 "On the organization of the exchange of laboratory data in electronic form," which was extremely relevant during the pandemic.
Conclusion. Thus, the digitalization of health care remains an urgent direction. This concept should be based on social orientation, logistics. The algorithm of laboratory examination of ophthalmic patients introduced by us made it possible to optimize the treatment and diagnostic process of patients, which is especially important among older people.
Keywords digitalization of healthcare, information systems, older age
Bibliographic reference:
N.L. Zhukova, O.Ju. Ignatenko, U.R. Saginbaev, T.V. Stepanova, A.V. Litynski, K.S. Korenevich, SIGNIFICANCE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND TRANSFORMATIONS IN MONITORING LABORATORY INDICATORS IN ELDERLY AND SENILE PERSONS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1028 (date of access: 26.12.2024).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1028 (date of access: 26.12.2024).
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