Научно-практический рецензируемый журнал
"Современные проблемы здравоохранения
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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


Morozova Ya.V.1
1. The National Research University “Belgorod State University”
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The article presents the main forms of distance education in dentistry. Comparison of the main elements of the educational process with full-time, outgoing and distance learning forms was done using the example of the course of thematic improvement in dentistry based on the medical institute of the National University of BelSU, the algorithm of preparation and holding of videoconferences.
Keywords distance education (DOs), videoconferences, dentistry, video conferencing algorithm, improvement, telemedicine trainings

Bibliographic reference:
Morozova Ya.V., DISTANCE EDUCATION IN DENTISTRY AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2016. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=109 (date of access: 13.03.2025).

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