Геронтология и гериатрия
A.N. Krylov1, E.I. Ryzhkova2,3, O.A. Rozhdestvenskaya2, O.M. Kuzminov4
1. St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, St. Petersburg
2. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
3. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
4. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University», Belgorod
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Actuality: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common in the modern world. They are often associated with other age–related diseases. However, there is not much data on the association of age-related oral cavity and heart problems. It has been shown that oral health does not seem to be related in this way to all major cardiovascular diseases, but there is a certain influence on the state of the cardiovascular system due to the presence of oral health problems. Due to the contradictory data on the association of the age–related oral cavity with cardiovascular diseases, there is an increasing interest in studying the molecular mechanisms of these age-related health conditions, which actualized the study.
Aim: To study the molecular mechanisms of the cardiovascular continuum in age – related oral cavity syndrome.
Materials and methods: The basis of the leading criterion for the diagnosis of age-related oral cavity syndrome was the study of the degree of adentia according to the classification of E. Kennedy. A total of 282 people aged 60 to 74 years participated in the study. In the course of the study of the molecular mechanisms of the cardiovascular continuum in the age–related oral cavity syndrome, such parameters of the cardiovascular system as the factor load of the states that make up the cardiovascular continuum, risk factors on the SCORE scale, indicators of arterial blood flow intensity, as well as molecules regulating endothelial function depending on the degree of adentia were evaluated.
Results: The presence of changes in the age-related oral cavity in the form of complete adentia or adentia of 11- 35 teeth contributes to the development of such indicators. – vascular continuum, such as atherosclerotic changes (F= 0, 983, F= 0, 882, respectively), the development of myocardial infarction or stroke (F= 0, 997, F= 0, 976, respectively), the development of cardiac arrhythmias (F= 0, 985, F= 0, 984, respectively), as well as the development of insulin resistance (F= 0, 985, F= 0, 977, respectively) and hypercholesterolemia (F= 0, 956, F= 0, 943, respectively), which is probably due to malnutrition, malnourishment syndrome and micronutrient deficiency occurring in such a group of patients. Practically with complete adentia and with adentia of 11-35 teeth, the risk of cardiovascular complications on the SCORE scale increased in patients with an age–related oral cavity, leading to an increased risk of development of malnourishment syndrome and the risk of complications, estimated at 18.2 ± 1.2 points of risk of cardiovascular complications, while the critical level can be considered adentia 11 or more teeth. The presence of complete adentia leads to a decrease in the level of the vasodilator prostocycline and an increase in the level of the vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2, which leads to an increase in blood pressure and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusions: The data obtained during the study prove the negative effect of full adentia on the cardiovascular continuum at the molecular level.
Keywords cardiovascular continuum, age–related oral cavity, dentistry, geriatrics, gerontology
Bibliographic reference:
A.N. Krylov, E.I. Ryzhkova, O.A. Rozhdestvenskaya, O.M. Kuzminov, MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR CONTINUUM IN AGE – RELATED ORAL CAVITY SYNDROME // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1093 (date of access: 05.02.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1093 (date of access: 05.02.2025).
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