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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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E.I. Ryzhkova1,2, E.V. Krohmaleva2, I.V. Manerov2, N.A. Osmanova3, E.S. Malyutina4
1. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
2. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
3. State Medical Institution named after S. S. Yudin DZM, Moscow
4. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University», Belgorod
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Actuality: Due to the urbanized, socially active life of women in the XXI century, there are more and more problems with women's health and fertility. There is a growing tendency to postpone childbearing. Consequently, the negative impact of age on the quality of eggs can lead to difficulties with conception in many couples. In addition, lifestyle factors can aggravate the difficulties of a married couple with conception, mainly due to the metabolic effects of obesity. However, the negative impact of low peripheral fat content in the body, excessive physical exertion, the growing prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, and smoking - all this has a significant negative impact on fertility. Therefore, more and more scientists, doctors and researchers are puzzled by the search for new means to protect women's health and increase fertility, the search for so-called cytoprotectors of women's health. Purpose: to study the possibilities of the IPH LGAG peptide complex. Materials and methods: We have studied the effects of the IPH LGAG peptide. We used German peptides IPH LGAG, which have all the approvals and permits for the world markets, such as: WADA certificate (anti-doping), MAFFA certificate (safety), ORGANIC certificate, HALAL certificate, patent protection: patent in the United States - Patent Application Publicatin (United States, No.:US2021/052534A1, date: Feb.25,2021), patent in the European Union No. 016704471, patent in the Russian Federation No. 645608, patent in the People's Republic of China No. 30507522. The effectiveness of the use of the IPH LGAG peptide was evaluated in the long term (for 1 year). Results: The IPH LGAG peptide has a powerful oncoprotective and cytoprotective effect, as it is able to reduce the level of HE4 protein synthesis by 67.8%. The data obtained confirm the oncoprotective effect of the IPH LGAG peptide, since the decrease in the expression of Claudin-3, which is noted with the progression of oncological processes, was 78.9% of the baseline level. The peptide IPH LGAG has an anti-inflammatory effect, is able to increase fertility and reduce the level of pathological processes in the female body, in particular, eggs. After the use of the IPH LGAG peptide, the estradiol level increased by 67.8 ± 1.5% from the initial one, which confirms the high activity of the IPH LGAG peptide in relation to the hormonal female background and the protection of women's health, which, in turn, increased the quality of life of women by 76.9 ± 1.5%, in particular, in relation to the reduction of anxiety and depression. Conclusions: the use of the IPH LGAG peptide can increase fertility and reduce the level of pathological processes in the female body, in particular, eggs.
Keywords peptide complexes, hormonal background, female hormonal background, estradiol, fertility

Bibliographic reference:
E.I. Ryzhkova, E.V. Krohmaleva, I.V. Manerov, N.A. Osmanova, E.S. Malyutina, THE LGAG PEPTIDE IS A POWERFUL PROTECTION OF WOMEN'S HEALTH AND FERTILITY IN THE MODERN WORLD // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1100 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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