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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Yu.I. Bravve1, O.A. Latukha1, I.D. Kiryakova1, M.M. Shcherba1
1. The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Novosibirsk State Medical University” of Minzdrav of Russia, Novosibirsk
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Relevance. Since the national project “Health” started in 2006, the healthcare system has been continuously improved. Problems related to the provision of equipment, training of health professionals, repair and construction of medical buildings have been being resolved. When analyzing patient satisfaction with medical care, respondents express concern about the availability of physician specialist, especially otorhinolaryngologists, while at the same time, there is still a shortage of staff in the primary care. This problem is especially important for child population, according to official statistics, respiratory pathology occupies a leading position among other nosological groups. The team of authors decided to analyze in more detail the functional duties of an ENT doctor, the cost and the working time to determine the possibilities for optimizing the process of providing otorhinolaryngological care to the child population at the outpatient stage. The aim of the study: is to analyze a condition of otorhinolaryngological care for the children's population. Materials and methods. We investigated legal acts regulating the procedure for providing medical care in the profile "Otorhinolaryngology", analysis of statistical data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region, Rosstat, economic analysis, general logical methods, and techniques. Results and discussion. Our analysis of the incidence in otorhinolaryngological morbidity in children showed that comorbid conditions – ENT– organs, having a permanent rate of increase in incidence among children of different age groups. According to our results of the study, the provision of ENT doctors in the country is 0.9-1.0 rates per 10 thousand children, which indicates a shortage of personnel in the field of otorhinolaryngology. Prophylactic examinations occupy 55.8% of a doctor's working time, which reduces the availability of specialized care. The calculation of the time and volume of the state task for the implementation of children preventive examinations showed that it takes more than half of the working time, while a payment is significantly lower comparing to patients admitted due to illness. An effective referral of otorhinolaryngologists in terms of medical and economic efficiency was determined. Conclusions. Due to the present analysis it is possible to identify the main areas that need to be improved for more effective provision of otorhinolaryngological care to the children's population: there is a need to increase the length of otorhinolaryngologist appointment of children, patients with ENT pathology, and, simultaneously, the allocation of distinct health specialists who will be involved in preventive examinations of children; the conducted economic analysis showed that preventive examinations take up more than half of the working time of an otorhinolaryngologist, while the payment for a completed case is significantly lower than when patients are admitted due to illness, despite spending high amounts of expendable medical supplies per patient; the availability of specialized otorhinolaryngological care is declining due to the current shortage of personnel in the industry. The indicated staff shortage of specialists, combined with an increase in the morbidity among the child population, poses new challenges for improving the ENT service of the region and the country.
Keywords otorhinolaryngological care, otorhinolaryngologist, staff shortage, child morbidity, preventive examination, medical organization, quality of medical care

Bibliographic reference:
Yu.I. Bravve, O.A. Latukha, I.D. Kiryakova, M.M. Shcherba, MODERN ASPECTS OF PROVIDING OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICAL CARE TO CHILDREN // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1110 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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