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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


V.T. Korkhmazov1, V.I. Perkhov2
1. Kuban state medical university of the Russian Ministry of Health, Krasnodar
2. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
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The pandemic of COVID-19 caused the shortage of medical resources - hospital beds, beds in intensive care units, ventilators, led to emergence of a collision of ethical principles of mercy, justice and even raised a question of algorithmization of the ethical choice between life and the death of certain patients or groups of the population. In this regard interest in researches and discussions of bioethics within a health care system in general and also in response to COVID-19 pandemic grows, in particular. The purpose - by results of questioning of the doctors providing medical care to patients with COVID-19 to offer for discussion some ethical principles of distribution of medical resources in the conditions of their deficiency. Materials and methods. In work validirovanny results of survey of 211 doctors of the large multi-profile hospital of the state form of ownership conducted in 2022 under the original questionnaire are used. Charts and contingency tables are calculated and constructed in the SPSS v program. 22.0 (IBM, New York, USA). Research methods: theoretical and comparative and comparative analysis, interpretation and synthesis of scientific data, expert assessment Results. In general doctors show very high responsibility as before patients on delivery of health care in the period of a pandemic, and before members of the family on ensuring their infectious safety. Also doctors are ready to risk if necessary the health at execution of the functions that confirms their high moral and ethical qualities. At the same time most of respondents (nearly 70%), reported that at deficit of resources (in our poll - medical ventilators), it is necessary to give preference to patients who have more chances to be selected from intensive care unit by live. Outputs. Development of "crisis" protocols and standards of delivery of health care which will facilitate to doctors acceptance of clinically justified and fair decisions on need of distribution of limited medical resources during epidemics, pandemics and other emergency situations is reasonable. These documents can include such strategy as preparation, saving, replacement, adaptation, reuse, distribution and redistribution of medical resources, including individual protection equipment and intensive therapy. Also there has to be an accurate institutional process for development of such protocols, stipulated by the legislation and regulated by subordinate regulations.
Keywords bioethics, ethics in medicine and health care, COVID-19 pandemic, the organization of medical care in emergency situations, sorting of patients, clinical protocols.

Bibliographic reference:
V.T. Korkhmazov, V.I. Perkhov, ETHICAL ASPECTS OF DISTRIBUTION OF MEDICAL RESOURCES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE PANDEMIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1120 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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