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"Современные проблемы здравоохранения
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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A.L. Lisichkin1, V.V. Liutsko2, R.A. Konev3
1. LLC "Euromedservice", Perm
2. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
3. LLC "Healer", Makhachkala, Russia
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Rationale. Currently, the health care systems of developed countries are striving to shift the priorities in the provision of medical care from maximum cost savings to the most efficient use of resources. The aim of the study. To analyze the features of assessing the economic efficiency of options for organizing coloproctological care for the population. Materials and methods. A comparative analysis of two options for organizing regional coloproctological care for the population was carried out: the traditional system and the proposed system. Results. It is shown that efficiency should be considered from the point of view of obtaining the greatest social and medical effect at low monetary costs. A comparative assessment of the economic efficiency of options for organizing coloproctological care made it possible to display the results by calculating quantitative indicators characterizing the economic efficiency of medical care. Conclusion. The analysis of direct costs for such nosologies as hemorrhoidal disease, acute and chronic paraproctitis, and DNO of the colon showed a significant reduction in economic costs for their diagnosis and treatment (70.4%, 57.6%, 44.9%, respectively, p
Keywords efficiency of the healthcare system, economic efficiency, coloproctology.

Bibliographic reference:
A.L. Lisichkin, V.V. Liutsko, R.A. Konev, FEATURES OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS FOR ORGANIZING REGIONAL COLOPROCTOLOGICAL CARE FOR THE POPULATION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1124 (date of access: 05.02.2025).

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