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Y.A. Solov'eva1, A.A. Shurygin1
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «South-Ural State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk
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Introduction. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are increasingly recognized as a global health priority due to the preventability of most injuries and the complex and costly medical care they require. The results of an assessment of adult mortality from TBI are necessary to analyze the situation existing in the territory of the subject in relation to craniocerebral traumatism, including the study of mortality rates from TBI both in general and its age structure, the impact of mortality from TBI on life expectancy at birth, contributes to the development of regional programs to improve the medical and demographic situation, taking into account specific conditions..
Purpose: to study regional features of mortality from TBI in the adult population in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region, the impact of mortality from TBI on life expectancy at birth in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Materials and methods. Analyzed the information of the form of statistical observation C-51 «Distribution of the dead by sex, age groups and causes of death» (form C-51), statistical data of the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), statistical reference books of the Federal Statistics Service for the Russian Federation, statistical materials of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Chelyabinsk Region, data from the registration forms № 106/y «Medical death certificate» approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 15.04.2021 г. № 352н «On approval of accounting forms of medical documentation certifying deaths and the procedure for their issuance». The study covered the period 2011-2021 and was conducted in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region in comparison with the Russian Federation.
Results and discussion. Despite the decrease in the adult mortality rate from TBI in the Chelyabinsk Region, the mortality rates from TBI in the Chelyabinsk Region in 2021 significantly exceed those in the Russian Federation - by 23.97% and amounted to 21.67 and 17.48 per 100000 of the corresponding population, respectively. The mortality rate from TBI in Chelyabinsk in 2021 – 18.8 per 100000 of the corresponding population slightly differed from the indicator for the Russian Federation – 17.48 per 100000 of the corresponding population. At the same time , in 2013 and 2020 the level of mortality from TBI in the territory of Chelyabinsk was below the level of the indicator for the Russian Federation.
The incorrect wording of the column «Fractures of the bones of the skull and face» in the C-51 form creates the impression that there is an underestimation of mortality from TBI. Changes are required to form C-51 - changing the wording of the column from «Fractures of the bones of the skull and face» to «Head injuries».
In the Russian Federation, as in the Chelyabinsk region and the city of Chelyabinsk, there is a trend towards a decrease in the indicator of life expectancy at birth, standardized for traumatic brain injuries, in 2021 compared to 2011 in the Russian Federation, standardized for traumatic brain injuries life expectancy at birth decreased by 18.96 years, in the Chelyabinsk region - by 8.16 years, in the city of Chelyabinsk - by 10.95 years.
Conclusion. The identified features indicate the need to develop an adequate modern approach to the prevention of new cases of TBI, taking into account gender, age and social aspects.
Keywords mortality, traumatic brain injury, adult population, life expectancy
Bibliographic reference:
Y.A. Solov'eva, A.A. Shurygin, MORTALITY FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES OF THE ADULT POPULATION IN THE CITY OF CHELYABINSK AND THE CHELYABINSK REGION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №3;
URL: (date of access: 05.02.2025).
URL: (date of access: 05.02.2025).
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