Медицинская статистика
Ponomarev S.B.1, Sterlikov S.A.2,3, Ponomarev D.S.1, Kudrina V.G.2, Pankova Y.Yu.3
1. Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Moscow, Russian Federation
2. “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous professional Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare
3. Russian Research Institute of Health
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Relevance. The problem of standardizing the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV infection in prisons is relevant due to the significant age and sex differences between prisoners and the general population, the rapid change in this structure over time.
Methods. The age and sex number of prisoners was studied on the basis of the FSIN-1 form, the number of new cases of tuberculosis by sex and age was studied on the basis of Rosstat form No. 8, the number of newly diagnosed HIV cases was calculated on the basis of Rosstat form No. 61. Density of prisoners per year of the age group calculated as the ratio of the number of prisoners in the corresponding age group to the number of ages in this group. For standardization, we used the European population standard, separately for men and women.
Results. Standardization of indicators included the following stages: 1) calculation of the expected number of prisoners (separately men and women) in each of the age groups, complementary to the data of statistical forms 8 and 61; 2) calculation of age-specific incidence rates of TB and HIV separately for men and women; 3) adaptation of the European population standard to the age groups given in statistical forms 8 and 61; 4) calculation of standardized incidence rates and standardized number of prisoners with TB and HIV, men and women; 5) calculation of the expected number of newly arrested men and women and the standardized incidence of TB and HIV in men and women, standardization of the incidence of TB and HIV by sex; 6) analysis of the resulting dynamic standardized series compared with the incidence rate in Russia as a whole. The differences between standardized and non-standardized TB incidence rates are significant. Although the direction of their dynamics is similar, the coefficient of the independent variable, which reflects the slope of the regression equation, is smaller for the non-standardized indicator. Standardizing the incidence of HIV disease and asymptomatic HIV status does not provide additional information for analysis; standardized and non-standardized indicators and their dynamics are close; differences in the age structure do not have a significant impact on the HIV incidence rate.
Conclusion. Standardization is recommended to analyze the dynamics of TB incidence. Standardization for HIV disease and asymptomatic HIV status is not appropriate.
Keywords gender and age specificity of incidence, standardization of indicators, incidence of tuberculosis, incidence of HIV, penitentiary system of Russia
Bibliographic reference:
Ponomarev S.B., Sterlikov S.A., Ponomarev D.S., Kudrina V.G., Pankova Y.Yu., CALCULATION AND APPLICATION OF STANDARDIZED INDICATORS OF THE INCIDENCE OF HIV INFECTION AND TUBERCULOSIS IN INSTITUTIONS OF THE PENAL SYSTEM OF RUSSIA // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2023. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1165 (date of access: 05.02.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1165 (date of access: 05.02.2025).
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