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Yu. S. Knyazeva1, A. A. Sokolova1, D. V. Kurkin1, G. M. Ganicheva1, D. A. Bakulin1
1. Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd
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Introduction. In recent years, the demand for electronic cigarettes or vapes has been growing at a rapid pace. These devices have gained high popularity due to the safety declared by manufacturers regarding traditional cigarettes. At the moment, it is difficult to predict the long-term effects of the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems due to the lack of a sufficient evidence base regarding their long-term use. However, today there is evidence of the negative impact of vapes not only on the cardiovascular and respiratory, but also on the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems of the body. A feature of electronic cigarettes is the presence in their composition of flavors and flavorings that give them satisfactory organoleptic properties and mask the smoking process. All this contributes to the rapid growth in the number of consumers, especially among young, non-smokers who want to try something new. The good organoleptic properties of vapes also contribute to an increase in the frequency and duration of their use, which significantly increases the amount of nicotine entering the body compared to traditional cigarettes. Potentially, this can adversely affect the smoker's performance and health in general. The trend towards an increase in the consumption of electronic nicotine delivery systems by girls of childbearing age confirms the relevance of the study. Goal. Evaluation of the prevalence of the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems among female students of Volgograd universities and awareness of the negative consequences of their use. Materials and methods. The work was carried out in the design of a simple single-stage prospective descriptive study conducted by the method of questioning 420 female students studying in higher educational institutions of the city of Volgograd. Results and discussion. The results of a survey of female students of higher educational institutions of the city of Volgograd were obtained and discussed. The widespread use of electronic nicotine delivery systems among female students with a low level of their awareness of the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes has been established. Conclusion. Electronic nicotine delivery systems have a detrimental effect on the human body, and especially on women's health, being a leading risk factor for a large number of pathologies, endangering the reproductive health of young women. The low interest of girls in quitting vaping is associated with a number of factors, such as: low awareness of the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes; pleasant organoleptic properties; consumers' lack of information about the long-term effects of smoking; aggressive marketing by manufacturers in the years before the advertising ban.
Keywords nicotine addiction, electronic cigarettes, vapes, electronic nicotine delivery systems

Bibliographic reference:
Yu. S. Knyazeva, A. A. Sokolova, D. V. Kurkin, G. M. Ganicheva, D. A. Bakulin, ASSESSMENT OF THE PREVALENCE OF THE USE OF ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS AMONG FEMALE STUDENTS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1221 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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