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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


S.A. Sergienko1, E.I. Ryzhkova1,2, K.M. Sheveleva3, A.S. Ponomarev4,5, E.V. Lupashko6, Е.А. Voronina7,8
1. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
2. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
3. Starooskolskaya District Hospital of St. Luke of the Crimea, Stary Oskol
4. FGBOU V UGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia "Ural State Medical University ", Yekaterinburg
5. Multidisciplinary medical center BEAUTY LIFE LLC Ekaterinburg
6. Сity Сlinic №34, Saint Petersburg
7. Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
8. Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo
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Actuality. Orthogeriatrics involves coordinating the actions of medical professionals, including paramedics, emergency department staff, anesthesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, geriatricians, nursing staff, physiotherapists, nutritionists, occupational therapists, discharge coordinators, social services, rehabilitation teams and primary care teams. Standardization of the fracture pathway through agreed protocols and guidelines improves overall treatment. However, it is important to consider each patient's individual history and try to understand their priorities by working with them and their next of kin to ensure the best possible outcome. All this requires additional research and development of an orthogeriatric rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered a large bone fracture. Objective. To develop a program for orthogeriatric rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a fracture of large bones. Materials and methods. The first part of the study is devoted to the study of the factorial effect of somatic and geriatric status on fractures of large bones. The second part was devoted to the development of an orthogeriatric rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered a fracture of large bones. To assess the effectiveness, 2 groups were selected – a control group (n= 78 patients, average age 70.6±1.2 years), in which the management tactics were standard, the main one (n= 79 patients, average age 71.0±1.3 years), where an orthogeriatric rehabilitation program was used for patients who had suffered a fracture of large bones. The effectiveness was evaluated 6 months after the opreative intervention. Results: a decrease in the prevalence of malnourishment syndrome by 65.6%, sarcopenia by 56.7%, cognitive dysfunction by 49.7%, delirium by 34.8%, falls syndrome by 25.6%, which led to a significant decrease in the development of senile asthenia syndrome by 34.1%, occurred after the application of the orthogeriatric rehabilitation program for patients who suffered a fracture of large bones. After the application of the orthogeriatric rehabilitation program for patients who have suffered a fracture of large bones, there is an improvement in the quality of life by 58.9% 6 months after injury to large joints. Conclusions. A unique program of orthogeriatric rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a fracture of large bones has been developed, which was based on somatic and geriatric aspects and correction of the main factors that can lead to fractures of large joints. The basis of the geriatric status was the presence of sarcopenia (F=0.837, p
Keywords orthogeriatrics, geriatrics, traumatology, geriatric syndrome, fracture of large bones

Bibliographic reference:
S.A. Sergienko, E.I. Ryzhkova, K.M. Sheveleva, A.S. Ponomarev, E.V. Lupashko, Е.А. Voronina, ORTHO-GERIATRIC REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS WITH LARGE BONE FRACTURES // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1238 (date of access: 18.07.2024).

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