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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Polikarpov A.V.1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
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Relevance. Population health is a marker reflecting the socio-economic development and well-being of society and the state. Goal: to conduct a comparative analysis of indicators characterizing the health status of the population living in rural areas of the Amur Region with similar health indicators among the rural population of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Russian Federation for 2021-2022. Materials and methods. The following methods were used in the study: content analysis, analytical, statistical. Data from Rosstat, EMISS, and collections of statistical indicators from the Russian Ministry of Health were used. Research results. In general, in the Amur region in 2022 there have been positive changes in the medical and demographic situation. But there is still a difference (2.7 years) between the urban and rural populations in life expectancy. Life expectancy at birth of the rural population was 66.3 years, which is lower than that of the urban population - 69.0 years. The overall mortality rate of the rural population remains higher than that of the urban population. A comparative analysis of population morbidity (general and primary) in 2022 showed that the rural population has lower rates than the urban population, which is a result of poor access to medical care for the rural population. In the structure of primary and general morbidity of the rural population, respiratory diseases occupy a leading place. Conclusion. The excess mortality rates of the rural population in comparison with the urban population, lower morbidity rates among the rural population, require the development in the Amur region of the necessary measures aimed at increasing the availability of medical care for the rural population of the Amur region.
Keywords rural population, medical and demographic indicators, mortality, morbidity, rural medical personnel, mobile medical teams

Bibliographic reference:
Polikarpov A.V., ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH INDICATORS OF THE RURAL POPULATION OF THE AMUR REGION FOR 2021-2022 // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1247 (date of access: 07.03.2025).

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