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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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R.R. Averchenko1
1. Medico-Biological University of Innovation and Continuing Education Federal State Budgetary Institution State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center” of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow
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Relevance. With changes in the demographic situation in the world towards an increase in the proportion of older age groups, there is an increase in oncological pathology. If we talk about the female population, the growth of oncological pathology is mainly due to the growth of cancer of the female genital organs (FGM), such as cervical cancer, uterine body cancer, ovarian cancer and others. The similarities and differences of the epidemiological signs of tumors of these localizations have been revealed, which is of both practical importance for the rational organization of oncological care, and theoretical for the study of the causes of the common etiological signs. The main attention of researchers is focused on biomedical risk factors such as adverse heredity, somatic diseases, congenital and acquired genital diseases, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, pathology of puberty and others. At the same time, less attention is paid to the general background of the development of oncopathology – medical and social factors. The aim of the study was to study the main medical and social risk factors for the development of malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs. Research materials and methods. The survey, questionnaire, analytical research methods, and the method of expert assessments were used. 415 women were taken under observation at outpatient oncological care centers No. 1 and No. 2 in Moscow after undergoing operations for female genital cancer (FGM). The control group consisted of 400 women without oncopathology. Results and discussion. The study divided the characteristics of diseases and medical and social risk factors for female genital cancer into three groups: social (education, social status, permanent residence in the same territory), economic (level of material security, housing conditions) and psychological (relationships with others, lifestyle), bad habits and abuse of them. The data obtained indicate that, along with the biomedical, a medico-social approach and a comprehensive assessment of all risk factors for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the female genital area are very important. Conclusions. The increase in the incidence of cancer of the uterus and ovaries, the high rate of cervical cancer, late diagnosis, high mortality, and huge economic losses put this pathology among the most pressing problems of social importance. The reduction of morbidity and mortality from malignant tumors is currently being addressed in several directions. The key is the study of etiological factors, in solving which an essential role is assigned to epidemiological studies to identify risk factors, among which one of the leading places is occupied by medical and social factors.
Keywords malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs; lifestyle; medical and social factors

Bibliographic reference:
R.R. Averchenko, MEDICAL AND SOCIAL RISK FACTORS OF ONCOGYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1254 (date of access: 18.07.2024).

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