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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Borshchuk E. L.1, Apresyan A.Yu.2, Kochorova L.V.3, Vishnyakov N.I.3
1. Orenburg State Medical University, Orenburg
2. Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg
3. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, St. Petersburg
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Introduction. Improving active surveillance is an integral part of the patient–centered approach to providing medical care for chronic diseases with a high risk of complications, such as peripheral artery diseases. Studies have revealed limitations in the availability of medical care for these diseases: low coverage of patients with dispensary supervision, specialized examinations of a cardiovascular surgeon, unsatisfactory patient information. Increasing the coverage and improving the effectiveness of dispensary monitoring of patients with diseases of the circulatory system is the primary way to achieve the national health goal of reducing mortality. The purpose of the study is to form patient–centered approaches to improving the dispensary observation of patients with peripheral artery diseases. Materials and methods. A comprehensive study was conducted in 2023: modeling of optimal conditions for dispensary observation for peripheral artery diseases with the determination of the main components of its improvement; implementation of the developed model in practice in medical organizations of St. Petersburg with the evaluation of the results according to control indicators using statistical and sociological methods (a total of 1953 patients were interviewed). Results. In accordance with the proposed model, when a patient was diagnosed with this group in any medical organization, information about him was transferred to the polyclinic for dispensary observation and was fully taken into account. Primary admission was carried out by a general practitioner, dispensary supervision - depending on the diagnosis by a general practitioner or a surgeon. Comprehensive proactive informing of patients was carried out in the form of an individual conversation; a "Notebook of a dispensary patient" with a reminder about the disease and sections for recording individual information; appointment appointments with a reminder of the need to appear; public information on the websites of medical organizations. Such interaction ensured the coverage of 88.4% of patients with dispensary observation, 96.0% of patients with consultations of a cardiovascular surgeon, and 32.0% of patients with ultrasound examination. The assessment of patients has significantly increased – from 67.8% to 84.6% medical care satisfied. Discussion. The implementation of a patient-centered model of dispensary follow-up for peripheral artery diseases has shown its effectiveness. The areas of improvement should be the accounting of diseases of this group on the basis of a medical and statistical register; full-fledged dispensary observation, with a shortage of specialized specialists conducted by doctors of various specialties, additionally trained; mandatory participation of a cardiovascular surgeon; proactive informing patients about preventive measures with a one-time pre-appointment; performing self-monitoring of health indicators against the background of increased awareness of the disease. Conclusion. The negative factors of the unsatisfactory organization of the work of medical organizations have been overcome, the coverage of dispensary observation of patients with peripheral artery diseases has been significantly increased. Patients' satisfaction with the medical care provided to them on the basis of a patient-centered model has increased.
Keywords peripheral artery diseases, dispensary observation, proactive information, reduction of mortality in diseases of the circulatory system

Bibliographic reference:
Borshchuk E. L., Apresyan A.Yu., Kochorova L.V., Vishnyakov N.I., PATIENT-CENTERED MODEL OF DISPENSARY OBSERVATION IN DISEASES OF PERIPHERAL ARTERIES // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1257 (date of access: 07.03.2025).

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