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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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I.P. Dubinin1, A.N. Plutnitsky1, B.N. Karimov1, А.А. Latyshova2
1. Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the Biomedical University of Innovation and Continuing Education of the Federal State Research Center of the Russian Federation ”A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center" FMBA of Russia, Moscow
2. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
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Relevance. The effectiveness of the treatment of traumatic brain injuries largely depends on the speed during which an accurate diagnosis will be made and all necessary measures will be carried out even before hospitalization. Hence, the need for a clear organization of all activities at this stage of providing medical care to patients with traumatic brain injuries. The purpose of the study: to analyze the organization of the process of providing medical care to patients with traumatic brain injuries at the prehospital stage in order to develop further measures to optimize it. Material and methods. Statistical, analytical, expert assessment, dynamic series analysis, and forecasting methods were used. A randomization procedure was chosen to generate an unpredictable sequence of distributions. As a result, 3,777 outpatient records of residents of Moscow who suffered acute traumatic brain injuries were selected for analysis. Results and discussion. In general, in the Russian Federation, intracranial injuries of the adult population (18 years and older) account for 2.5% of the total number of injuries, poisoning and other consequences of exposure to external causes, and in Moscow – 2.3%. As part of the pre-hospital stage of medical care for patients with severe TBI, it was revealed that in 37.4±0.74% of cases such care was provided on the street, in 34.8±0.65% - at home, in 16.3±0.42% - in medical institutions, in 7.8±0.22% - in public places, in 2.6±0.21% - at work. In the first hour after the injury, medical care was provided to 41.3±1.38% of victims with traumatic brain injury, in the period from the first to the third hour - 15.3±0.86%, that is, in total, 56.6% of patients with acute traumatic brain injury were treated in the first three hours after the injury. And over the next 21 hours, assistance was provided in 10.1±0.42% of cases, that is, in total, 66.7±0.75% of patients received assistance during the first day. The terms of assistance are often delayed due to untimely treatment (as a rule, with alcohol intoxication). The article also provides an analysis of defects in the organization of medical care for patients with acute traumatic brain injury at the pre-hospital stage, such as a delay in the departure of the ambulance service to the place where the victim was injured;performing low-quality diagnostics, especially in cases of combined trauma; incomplete amount of care provided at the site of injury to the injured and on the way to a medical institution (there is no or insufficient number of resuscitation measures, in the fight against mechanical asphyxia, stopping external bleeding, and so on); non-core hospitalization of the primary form, which, as a rule, delays the provision of specialized neurosurgical care to victims with severe traumatic brain injuries, etc.
Keywords neurosurgery, traumatic brain injuries, prehospital stage of medical care

Bibliographic reference:
I.P. Dubinin, A.N. Plutnitsky, B.N. Karimov, А.А. Latyshova, FEATURES OF THE PRE-HOSPITAL STAGE OF NEUROTRAUMATOLOGICAL CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CRANIOCEREBRAL INJURIES ON THE EXAMPLE OF MOSCOW // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1262 (date of access: 30.06.2024).

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