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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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N.S. Belyakova1, D.O. Gorbachev1, A.K. Sergeev2
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Samara
2. All-Russian Training and Research and Methodological Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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Introduction. The study of the quality of life of workers and the level of performance of comprehensive social service centers (CSSC) is a current direction in occupational health due to the expansion of the range of factors in work due to constant contact with the ward and responsibility for his mental and physical health. Goal. The purpose of our study is to analyze the quality of life and work activity of employees of comprehensive social service centers in order to develop preventive measures aimed at improving health levels. Materials and methods. The study group included 105 employees of comprehensive social service centers. The research used survey and questionnaire methods. A specially developed questionnaire included the following sections: socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status, place of residence); professional (position, length of service, salary); work factors (subjective assessment of the level of work organization); medical activity (seeking medical care); health status (chronic diseases, level of health status, level of emotional stress, feeling of physical tension, health complaints). Results and discussion. Among the risk factors affecting health, workers of the CSSC noted the following: 53 (27.7%) sedentary lifestyle; 38 (19.9%) stress at work; 36 (18.8%) poor nutrition; 25 (13.1%) overload at work; 18 (19.4%) overload at home; 16 (8.4%) stress in the family; 5 (2.6%) smoking. When subjectively assessing the greatest performance during the day among social service workers, the highest level was observed in the morning 52 (54.7%); the lowest in the evening 20 (21.1%).In the structure of the prevalence of chronic pathology, the following were registered: in 1st place - diseases of the musculoskeletal system (18.1%); in 2nd place - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (12.4%); in 3rd place - diseases of the cardiovascular system (10.5%). Of the stress factors in the work process, workers most often encounter: emotional stress (65.7%); intellectual stress and monotony of the load (53.3%); sensory stress (27.6%). Conclusion. The data obtained indicate a low level of quality of life for CSSC workers. These circumstances determine the need to develop preventive recommendations aimed at increasing performance and reducing professional stress: alternating work and rest schedules, introducing unregulated breaks (7-10 minutes in order to stabilize the emotional state, walks in the fresh air, psychological relaxation rooms, performing breathing exercises and physical exercises with a breathing component), review of workloads during the working day and working week.
Keywords social work specialists, quality of life, tension of the labor process

Bibliographic reference:
N.S. Belyakova, D.O. Gorbachev, A.K. Sergeev, STUDYING INDICATORS OF QUALITY OF LIFE AND LABOR ACTIVITY OF EMPLOYEES OF COMPREHENSIVE SOCIAL SERVICE CENTERS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1291 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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