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T.V. Romashova1, V.V. Vasilyev1,2, E.V. Vasilyev3
1. Penza State University, Penza
2. Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education - a branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Penza
3. Institute for Regional Development of the Penza Region, Penza
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The problem of excess body fat and obesity in minors remains relevant due to its widespread prevalence. Obesity in adolescents and children provokes metabolic disorders, causes certain physical limitations, psychological complications, which are steadily monitored in the adult life of an individual.
The purpose of the stud: to review the literature dealing with the problems of obesity in adolescents and children from a medical and social perspective over the past five years.
Materials and methods: the data of foreign and domestic literature related to the considered problem of obesity and reflecting its various aspects are considered. Research methods: analytical, monographic.
Results. Obesity in adolescents and children provokes metabolic disorders, causes certain physical limitations, psychological complications and causes numerous medical and social problems in adulthood. Research data conducted in recent years show that the basis for the emergence and consistent development of obesity in minors, including those permanently living in rural areas, is a complex set of factors of genetic or behavioral nature, socio-economic conditions and environmental factors, as well as unequivocally establish a close relationship between the generalization of this pathology and their ethnicity, and the territory of residence.
Conclusion. An analysis of scientific literature sources indicates that young children and adolescents living in rural areas are at higher risk of developing overweight and obesity relative to their urban peers. The basis for this statement is the differences between the urban and rural microenvironment and a certain difference in the complex of risk determinants contributing to obesity due to the place of residence. Based on the latest research data, we can talk about the need and validity of integrative effects on the pathology of obesity in children and adolescents who permanently live in rural areas, taking into account preventive measures. Regional differences in the dynamics of indicators of generalization of obesity in rural minors against the background of general patterns of the disease require certain organizational and managerial decisions. Obesity prevention programs should be conducted at the state, regional, municipal and family levels, in educational and medical institutions.
Keywords obesity, children, adolescents, risk factors, rural
Bibliographic reference:
T.V. Romashova, V.V. Vasilyev, E.V. Vasilyev, MEDICAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF OBESITY IN RURAL CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (LITERATURE REVIEW) // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1298 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1298 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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