Организация фармацевтического дела
A.S. Romanov1, E.F. Sharakhova1
1. Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul
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Introduction: A scientifically based approach to solving health problems is the organization of drug provision based on the principles of pharmacoeconomics, ABC analysis is one of the most effective tools for managing material resources based on the Pareto rule. ABC analysis is complemented by VEN, frequency and matrix analyses in order to overcome the limitations of each. The VEN analysis is presented taking into account the calculated rating of the pharmacokinetics of the studied drugs.
Materials and methods: A multicenter, retrospective, open-label clinical and economic study. Using a continuous sampling method, the study included data from copying for the period 2019-2022 of 384 outpatient records of adult patients with epilepsy aged from 19 to 79 years, in the study cities: Barnaul (120 patients), St. Petersburg (217 patients), Kaliningrad (47 patients). The studied drugs are ranked depending on the cost expression, on the rating of pharmacokinetics and on the frequency of administration.
Purpose: ABC-, VEN- and frequency analyses of drug therapy in patients with epilepsy to determine priorities and expediency of spending funds in drug provision.
Results: 5 drugs have been identified (levetiracetam, valproate, lacosamide, topiramate, carbamazepine), which makes up 25% of the total list of anti-crime drugs registered in the Russian Federation, accounting for 78.1% of costs. The most expensive drugs were valproic acid and levetiracetam. The average cost of therapy for one patient with epilepsy amounted to 27,171.54 rubles per year, ± 1,161.32 rubles. VEN analysis revealed that the most in-demand CBZ and MIC have the lowest ratings and are assigned to the V3 group.
Conclusion: Matrix analysis of the ABC-VEN study identifies category I drugs, which consume more than three quarters of all funds, and which require close attention during forecasting, selection, purchase and storage. Thus, in order to improve resource management, medical institutions need to annually conduct an ABC-VEN matrix analysis of pharmaceuticals to identify categories of anti-crime drugs that require special attention and strict control.
Keywords epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs, ABC-analysis, VEN-analysis, sales analysis, frequency analysis.
Bibliographic reference:
A.S. Romanov, E.F. Sharakhova, PHARMACOECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF EPILEPSY TREATMENT IN RUSSIA (ABC, VEN, AND FREQUENCY ANALYSIS) // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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