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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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R.A. Tsekhmister1, A.L. Petrov1, G.N. Adrianova1
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ural State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg
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Introduction. This paper presents an analysis of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation and the Ural Federal District (hereinafter, the Ural Federal District) of external drugs for the treatment of chronic progressive dermatological diseases using the example of psoriasis pharmacotherapy. A study of pharmacoeconomic and technological prerequisites for expanding the local production of finished dosage forms and aspects of pharmaceutical production of dermatological drugs using the resource capabilities of the Ural pharmaceutical industry was carried out. Aim. A marketing, structural, and technological analysis of the range of dermatological drugs was carried out in order to identify the qualitative characteristics of the availability of the studied group of drugs and to find opportunities to optimize the drug supply for patients with chronic dermatological progressive diseases. The work reflects the current state of the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation and the Urals Federal District in the segment of external medicinal products of subgroups D05A «Drugs for the treatment of psoriasis for external use», D07A «Corticosteroids» and D07B «Corticosteroids in combination with antiseptics». Materials and methods. The initial data for assortment analysis were obtained during the content analysis of information sources of the state Register of medicines. Assortment analysis, graphic analysis, marketing and mathematical analysis methods were used as research methods. The results and their discussion. To date, external medicines for the treatment of psoriasis include 15 international nonproprietary names (INNs), which correspond to 61 trade names (TN). In each main therapeutic group, parameters such as INNs, TN, manufacturers of pharmaceutical substances (FS), the depth of the range of external medicines and dosage forms were determined. Thus, the largest number of INN (60.00% of the total number of INNs), TN (70.49% of the total number of TN), manufacturers of FS (71.96% of the total number of FS) belong to the subgroup D07A «Corticosteroids». The largest percentage of dosage forms for external use is for ointment for external use – 59.81% and cream for external administration – 24.30%, and the smallest for liquid, liniment, spray and shampoo for external use – 0.93% each. Conclusion. In conclusion, it can be concluded that in the Ural Federal District (UrFO) there is a problem of the availability of drugs for the treatment of chronic dermatological progressive diseases, primarily psoriasis. Manufacturers of Ural pharmaceutical plants should pay attention to the creation of additional production lines localized in the Sverdlovsk region and the Ural Federal District for the production of dosage forms for local therapy of psoriasis.
Keywords assortment analysis, psoriasis, pharmaceutical market, marketing research

Bibliographic reference:
R.A. Tsekhmister, A.L. Petrov, G.N. Adrianova, ASSORTMENT ASPECTS OF LOCALIZATION OF DRUGS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS IN THE URALS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1317 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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