Медицинская статистика
N.N. Bushmeleva1, N.V. Babintseva2, S.R. Ragimova1, L.V. Vostroknutov3
1. Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk
2. Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk
3. First Republican Clinical Hospital, Emergency Medical Center, Izhevsk
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Relevance. The demographic crisis, which has worsened since 2016, has become an urgent issue of our time in the Russian Federation, with unfavorable forecasts for its further development in the future. The problem of changes in reproductive and demographic processes and the possibility of managing them occupies a central place in scientific research at the present time, as urgent tasks of the socio-economic development of Russian society, including for the Udmurt Republic.
The purpose of the study. To assess the features of reproductive and demographic indicators of the Udmurt Republic for 2012-2022.
Materials and methods. Reproductive and demographic indicators were studied in the dynamics of 2012-2022 according to official statistical data of Rosstat and materials of the Territorial Body of State Statistics of the Udmurt Republic. As the research material, data from the forms of federal statistical observation (No. 13, No. 32), statistical reference books: "Medical and demographic indicators" for the Udmurt Republic, the Russian Federation, the Volga Federal District, "Basic indicators of maternal and child health, activities of the maternity and childhood protection service in the Russian Federation" for the period from 2012 until 2022 .
Results and its discussion. A comprehensive assessment of the demographic situation in the Udmurt Republic indicates a reduction in the population due to natural decline and migration outflow of the population, a decrease in the total fertility rate to 1.43. Over the years of the study, the age-specific birth rate and the dynamics of the birth rate structure have a negative trend. During the analyzed period, the proportion of the population aged 50 years and older exceeds the proportion of children aged 0-14 years by more than 1.8 times, which indicates a regressive type of population in the Udmurt Republic. The reduction in the female population of Udmurtia maintains a gender imbalance in the age-sex structure of the population of the republic, is the reason for the decrease in the number of officially registered marriages (1.6 times), and maintains a higher level of out-of-wedlock births than in the Russian Federation and the Volga Federal District. A significant reduction in the female population, especially women of active reproductive age, reduces the reproductive potential of the SD. The growing proportion of people over working age in the age structure of the population and the migration outflow of the young population are increasing the aging of the population. For 2012-2022, the positive dynamics of the growth rate of the share of children under 15 years of age in the general population structure (2.4 times higher than the growth rate of the elderly population) suggests the possibility of improving the demographic situation in the Udmurt Republic.
Conclusion. The identified reproductive and demographic changes in the Udmurt Republic and Russia as a whole indicate the need to develop scientifically based approaches to preserve reproductive potential and ensure the demographic security of the country.
Keywords population reproduction; reproductive and demographic situation; fertility; depopulation
Bibliographic reference:
N.N. Bushmeleva, N.V. Babintseva, S.R. Ragimova, L.V. Vostroknutov, REPRODUCTIVE AND DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC AT THE PRESENT STAGE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1321 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1321 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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