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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A. A. Ivanova1, E.M. Klimova2, A. F. Potapov1, L. A. Aprosimov1
1. North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
2. Yakutsk City Emergency Department, Yakutsk
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Studying the causes of mortality and disability in the population in terms of preventability is necessary to identify the real possibilities for minimizing losses. The mortality from external causes is characterized by prematureness and a high degree of preventability. One of the under-examined problems is mortality and disability from exposure to low natural temperatures (cold injury). The purpose of the research was to study the scale of and trends in the mortality and disability of the population in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) from the exposure to low natural temperatures in the period 2012–2022. Materials and Methods. A retrospective comparative analysis of relevant indicators for the Russian Federation, the Far Eastern Federal District and the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) was carried out using the data from Rosstat, the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, and the State Road Safety Inspectorate for 2012–2022. Results and Discussion. It was established that in 2012–2022, cold injuries ranked third by frequency in the structure of external causes of mortality in the population of Yakutia. In the study period, external causes accounted for 12.3% in the structure of the population mortality, of which suicides made 16.3%, murders – 11.1%, cold injuries – 10.2%, transport injuries – 8.5%, and accidental alcohol poisoning – 8.3%. In these statistics, able-bodied people accounted for 77.1%, of which 81.4% were men, and 18.6% were women. There was also a high level of disability resulting from the amputation of frost-bitten limbs. In 2020–2022, the Commission of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise recognized 58 adults as disabled due to frostbite (hypothermia) for the first time, and 48 people were recognized as such once more. It was established that not all persons with the injuries significantly limiting their ability to work apply for an official examination. In general, among thermal injuries, burns prevails over hypothermia (frostbites). According to a specialized burn center data, the patients with cold injury accounted for 8.5%, with the proportion of the patients with burns at 91.5%; however, in 2022, the Arctic regions of Yakutia witnessed greater number of the patients exposed to low natural temperatures (57.7%) in comparison with those affected by burns (42.3%), which emphasizes the particular relevance of the problem under discussion in these areas. Conclusion. It is well known that health losses from external causes result from behavioral factors; therefore, minimizing mortality and disability of the population mainly depends on lifestyles and the spread of risky behaviors.
Keywords mortality, preventable causes of death, thermal injury, cold injury

Bibliographic reference:
A. A. Ivanova, E.M. Klimova, A. F. Potapov, L. A. Aprosimov, COLD INJURY AS A PREVENTABLE CAUSE OF DEATH AND DISABILITY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1322 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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