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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A.N. Kasatkin1, A.V. Fomina2
1. Main military clinical hospital of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation, Balashikha, Moscow region
2. RUDN University, Moscow
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Introduction: Pathology of the ENT organs has important medical and social significance, which is explained by its influence on a number of indicators characterizing the level of quality of life. Increasing life expectancy of the population leads to the fact that otorhinolaryngological complaints come to the fore in the practice of doctors. The study and analysis of data on the spread of diseases of the ENT organs both in the world and in individual regions can be important when planning treatment, diagnostic and preventive measures, and improving the material and technical equipment of medical institutions. Purpose: Analysis of literature data on the issue of the spread of ENT diseases in the world. Materials and Methods: The data search was carried out in the following databases: CENTRAL, MEDLINE and EMBASE, in the search portal of the International Register of Clinical Trials of Randomized Controlled Trials on the prevalence of ENT diseases in the world. Results: Data from a number of studies by foreign and domestic researchers indicate a steady increase in diseases in the field of otorhinolaryngology both in the world and in the Russian Federation. Among all nosologies, special attention is paid to the spread of sensorineural hearing loss, otitis media, rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and malignant neoplasms of the ENT organs. In the Russian Federation, the regions leading in the frequency of development of a particular pathology are registered. For example, the Far Eastern Federal District leads in the incidence of acute laryngitis and tracheitis (3071.3 per 100 thousand population), the Northern Federal District in sensorineural hearing loss (536.4 per 100 thousand population), the Volga District in Meniere’s disease (3.53 per 100 thousand population). 100 thousand population), North Caucasus Federal District - otosclerosis (18.9 per 100 thousand population), Northwestern Federal District - diseases of the ear and mastoid process (4463 per 100 thousand population). Further identification of certain geographic regions in the Russian Federation with high rates of ENT diseases is a priority in the development of preventive programs and the staffing of medical institutions with both specialists and beds. Conclusion: Data from literary sources confirm the relevance of studying the problem of the spread of patients with pathology of the ENT organs both in the Russian Federation and in the world. The medical and social significance of the pathology requires dynamic monitoring of the prevalence of diseases of the ENT organs in order to be able to develop approaches for the management of such patients.
Keywords ENT organs, Russian Federation, quality of life, laryngitis, rhinosinusitis, rhinitis, prevalence

Bibliographic reference:
A.N. Kasatkin, A.V. Fomina, ANALYSIS OF THE PREVALENCE OF DISEASES OF ENT ORGANS AND THEIR MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1323 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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