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N.G. Kostsova1, V.M. Denyakina1
1. Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba», Moscow
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The formation of emergency care skills is an extremely important educational aspect that can contribute to saving a person's life, as well as prevent the development of complications. Proper and timely execution of all necessary actions often plays a crucial role. The aim. Describe the intermediate certification of Bachelor of Nursing in emergency care according to the ABCDE algorithm using the virtual university clinic DIMEDUS. Materials and methods. The participants were medical students in the field of Nursing (n=40), who passed the ABCDE algorithm training system in several stages. The final stage of the study was the passing of the intermediate certification of Bachelor of Nursing in emergency care according to the ABCDE algorithm using the virtual clinic Dimedus according to the scenario "PSA Anaphylactic shock. OCE for emergency assistance." Mathematical and statistical data processing was carried out using the program SPSS-14, Statistica–10. Results. Frequent errors of the algorithm execution were revealed at all stages: introductory actions 40% did not call an assistant, stage B breathing – did not perform oxygen supply 50%, did not use a mask and did not indicate flow rates 43.3%, at stage C – circulation, 16.7% rhythm determination and radial artery pulse assessment were not performed, 20%, at the D – disability stage, 16.7% of the reaction to light was not checked, at the E - exposure stage, 16.7% of the back with a side turn was not examined, and 13.3% of the feet and lower legs were not scalped for edema. Conclusion. The Dimedus Virtual Clinic is an excellent tool for passing the intermediate certification of bachelors in the field of Nursing. It makes it possible to simultaneously check the sequence of execution of the case "Emergency medical care using the ABCDE algorithm" at the visual and automated level of simulation training, with elements of using VR and AR technologies, while providing a detailed report on the passage of the scenario with the correct actions performed and with actions that were not performed.
Keywords ABCDE algorithm, Dimedus virtual clinic, intermediate certification, feedback

Bibliographic reference:
N.G. Kostsova, V.M. Denyakina, INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATION OF BACHELOR OF NURSING IN EMERGENCY CARE ACCORDING TO THE ABCDE ALGORITHM USING THE DIMEDUS VIRTUAL CLINIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1324 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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