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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Геронтология и гериатрия


N.M. Agarkov1,2,3, N.B. Popova3, A.E. Kopylov3
1. Southwest State University, Kursk
2. Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
3. S.N. Fedorov National medical research center «MNTK Eye Microsurgery», Tambov
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Introduction. The prevalence of social exclusion varies greatly depending on the main socio-economic and medical-democratic factors. Possible causes of social isolation are sarcopenia and age-related ophthalmic diseases. However, their effect on the likelihood of social exclusion syndrome remains currently controversial and poorly understood in cataracts and sarcopenia. Purpose of the study. Study of social isolation among patients with age-related ophthalmopathology and sarcopenia. Materials and methods. For a comparative assessment of social isolation in patients with age–related diseases, two clinical groups were formed - 132 patients aged 60-74 with cataracts and 140 patients of the same age with sarcopenia. Social isolation was determined by means of a modified social isolation index, which included five points characterizing this geriatric syndrome with a maximum value of 5 points, and its presence corresponded to a sum of ≥3 points. Results. The syndrome of social isolation among patients with cortical cataract proceeds less favorably than in sarcopenia and visual impairment due to the discussed ophthalmological pathology significantly reduces the communicative actions of patients. The greatest statistically significant relationship with the duration of the disease was revealed, according to which the compared groups – sarcopenia and cortical cataract – differ with the greatest influence of sarcopenia. The average age of patients, female gender and coronary heart disease have no significant effect on social isolation in the cohort of representatives with cortical cataracts. Conclusion. Among patients with cortical cataracts, the risk of social isolation is associated with the duration of this ophthalmic disease, belonging to the male sex, with an average per capita income and the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Keywords elderly, cataract, social isolation, sarcopenia, age-associated pathology

Bibliographic reference:
N.M. Agarkov, N.B. Popova, A.E. Kopylov, SOCIAL ISOLATION AMONG PATIENTS WITH AGE-RELATED OPHTHALMOPATHOLOGY AND SARCOPENIA // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1327 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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