Геронтология и гериатрия
V.V. Gushchin1,2, M.V. Vorobiev1,2
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ivanovo State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo
2. Regional budgetary health care institution "Ivanovo Clinical Hospital named after Kuvayevs", Ivanovo
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Relevance: According to modern research, a significant increase in the elderly population is predicted, which could reach 29% by the beginning of 2030. With the trend of an aging population and the low level of its dental health, the professional activity of a dentist is already significantly focused on the category of elderly and senile patients. Issues of organizing dental care for this category of the population, taking into account their pathology, especially with senile asthenia, as a problem of public health and healthcare, have not received adequate scientific attention and require the development of new organizational technologies for its provision. The wide range and severity of non-communicable diseases in old and senile age reduce the quality of life of patients and cause an increase in the need for medical care for this category of citizens, including in the “Dentistry” profile.
Purpose: conduct a study of comorbid pathology in patients with senile asthenia.
Material and research methods: The basis for the study was the regional geriatric center, which is part of the Regional Budgetary Health Care Institution “Ivanovo Clinical Hospital named after Kuvayevs”. The material collection program included the study of primary medical documentation of 420 patients with senile asthenia “Medical record of a patient receiving medical care in an inpatient setting, in a day hospital” (form 003/u).
Results of the study: Among the patients in the study group, men accounted for 21.2%, and women - 78.8%. The majority of patients were in the age group 75-89 years (76.9%), patients in the age of 60-74 years took the second place (21.0%), long-lived patients aged 90 years and older accounted for 2.1% of respondents. The total number of chronic pathologies in 420 patients was 4189 diseases. On average, there are 9.97±1.23 diseases per patient with senile asthenia. Diseases of the circulatory system had the largest share (32.9%) of the total number; on average, there are 3.3 pathologies of this class per patient, such as hypertension – 96.9%; chronic cerebral ischemia – 80.2%; chronic heart failure – 48.6%; angina pectoris – 45.5%; permanent atrial fibrillation – 40.0%; post-infarction cardiosclerosis – 17.1%. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue take 2nd place (15.9%) with 1.6 chronic pathologies of this class per patient. Diseases of the digestive system occupy 3rd rank (10.7%).
Conclusions: The total number of chronic pathologies in 420 patients was 4189 diseases. On average, there are 9.97±1.23 diseases per patient with senile asthenia. Diseases of the circulatory system had the largest share (32.9%) of the total number of diseases, with an average of 3.3 pathologies of this class per patient. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue take 2nd place (15.9%) with 1.6 chronic pathologies of this class per patient. Diseases of the digestive system take 3rd place (10.7%). The large burden of accumulated somatic pathology in patients with senile asthenia must be taken into account when making up a treatment plan for dental diseases in this category of patients, and therefore an interdisciplinary approach of medical specialists to carrying out diagnostic and therapeutic measures is necessary, which will reduce the risks of developing undesirable general reactions in patients this group.
Keywords senile asthenia, comorbid pathology, classes of diseases, elderly and senile patients
Bibliographic reference:
V.V. Gushchin, M.V. Vorobiev, ANALYSIS OF COMORBID PATHOLOGY IN PATIENTS WITH SENILE ASTHENIA FROM THE POSITION OF A DENTIST // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1330 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1330 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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