Геронтология и гериатрия
E.I. Ryzhkova1,2, I.P. Pochitaeva1, E.V. Krohmaleva2, E.S. Malyutina2,3, F.I. Maganova4, S.A. Sergienko2, M.S. Evdokimov5
1. Academy of postgraduate education under FSBU FSCC of FMBA, Mosсow
2. Research Medical Centre «GERONTOLOGY», Moscow
3. Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
4. St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, St. Petersburg
5. ООО «Semejnaya poliklinika No. 4», Korolev
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Actuality: The liver is the main organ that coordinates the metabolic flexibility of the entire body, which is characterized by the ability to dynamically adapt in response to fluctuations in energy needs. In this context, hepatocyte mitochondria are key partners in fine-tuning metabolic flexibility. Increasingly, the literature examines the metabolic and signaling pathways carried out by mitochondria in the liver, the main pathways that regulate mitochondrial function, and how they function in health and metabolic disorders associated with obesity, i.e. insulin resistance, non-alcoholic steatosis and steatohepatitis, as well as hepatocellular carcinoma. Finally, strategies aimed at countering liver diseases to improve overall human functional health are discussed. In connection with the above, it is considered relevant to study the properties of drugs that are able to preserve the functioning of the liver.
Purpose: to explore the possibilities of the IPH LIV peptide complex.
Materials and methods: we have studied the effects of IPH LIV on cells and patients. German peptides IPH LIV have all the approvals and permits for the world markets, such as: WADA (anti-doping) certificate, MAFFA (safety) certificate, ORGANIC certificate, HALAL certificate, patent protection: patent in the United States of America No. 5,405,266, patent in the European Union No. 016704471, patent in the Russian Federation No. 645608, patent in the People's Republic of China No. 30507522. The effectiveness of the IPH LIV peptide was evaluated in comparison and after 3 months.
Results: The severity of the synthesis of the liver formation gene significantly increases by 79.6%, which confirms the antitumor and cytostatic properties of the IPH LIV peptide and promotes normal and high-quality liver formation at the gene level. A decrease in the severity of Ki67 protein synthesis by 89.6% after the use of the IPH LIV peptide confirms the antitumor effect and can lead to increased body functioning and survival. The use of the IPH LIV peptide improves the liver condition in terms of liver enzymes by an average of 46.7%, which proves the hepatoprotective properties of the peptide. There was a positive dynamics of the clinical condition after the use of the IPH LIV peptide, which confirms the possibilities of the IPH LIV peptide as a hepatoprotector - the basis of the physical functioning of the body. Such positive clinical dynamics increased the indicator of physical health and general well-being by 26.1% and 35.2% after the use of the IPH LIV peptide. The use of the IPH LIV peptide reduces the index of the oncomarker alpha - fetoprotein (AFP) by 47.6%, which confirms the oncoprotective effect of the IPH LIV peptide. Increased liver stiffness has a strong correlation with worsening clinical symptoms (r=0.993, p
Keywords peptide complexes, liver, hepatosis, hepatitis, detoxification, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, fatty hepatosis, diffuse liver changes.
Bibliographic reference:
E.I. Ryzhkova, I.P. Pochitaeva, E.V. Krohmaleva, E.S. Malyutina, F.I. Maganova, S.A. Sergienko, M.S. Evdokimov, MODERN NUTRITIONAL HEPATOPROTECTION AND PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING OF THE BODY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1338 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1338 (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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