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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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O.A. Dimova1, V.S. Stupak2, V.V. Liutsko2, V.N. Korablev1, A.M. Yarovenko1
1. Institute for Advanced Training of Healthcare Professionals, Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk Krai, Khabarovsk
2. Russian Research Institute of Health
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Introduction. Reducing preventable mortality and increasing life expectancy is one of the priorities of social policy in Russia. The planning of measures aimed at its reduction is based on the assessment of the dynamics of mortality rates by gender differences in different population groups. In recent years, public health authorities have been developing comprehensive programs for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with coronavirus infection. Literature analysis showed that the 2020-2023 coronavirus infection pandemic caused excess mortality in the country. In Khabarovsk Krai in 2021, the total mortality rate increased by 27.1% from pre-pandemic 2019, including in Khabarovsk - by 36.5% and Komsomolsk-on-Amur - by 30.7%, which required the search for reserves to reduce excess mortality and increase life expectancy, including improving the processes of in-depth medical examination in various population groups. One of the directions that requires scientific research is the dispensary of the population in order to develop measures to improve the organization of medical care for patients with coronavirus infection at the federal and regional levels. A significant role in the system of primary medical and sanitary care is assigned directly to polyclinics; to organize and develop preventive measures among COVID-19 patients in different age groups; to keep track of them and to form routes for in-depth medical examination and medical rehabilitation. Objective. To assess the sex-age indicators of COVID-19 mortality in the population attached to the city polyclinic #7 of Khabarovsk, Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk Krai for 2020-2023, in order to improve the organization of medical care for patients with coronavirus infection. Material and methods. The method of comparative analysis was used in the work. The source of information were publications in Russian scientific journals, as well as data obtained from the official websites of the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, and a number of subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as for Khabarovsk Krai, Magadan Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, as well as collections of statistical materials published by the Medical Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk Krai for 2020-2023. Results and Discussion. The study showed that at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2021, COVID-19 ranked first with a two-year increase in mortality rate of 130.5%. During the mentioned period, COVID-19 deaths more than doubled compared to 2020. In the age structure of those who died, persons over 60 years of age prevailed - 86.2%. The highest mortality from COVID-19 was observed in the age groups 75-79 years and 80 years and older. At the same time, persons of female sex died more often in 1.83 times. Organized activities among the population attached to the city polyclinic No. 7 of Khabarovsk to improve the provision of medical care to patients who had a coronavirus infection allowed to achieve a minimum number of fatalities. Conclusions. The increase in mortality during the pandemic of coronavirus infection predominantly in older age groups of the female sex indicates the need to identify risk groups among the population over 18 years of age at the level of urban polyclinics for the development of comprehensive and individual programs for prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients who have overdosed COVID-19.
Keywords pandemic; excess mortality, COVID-19 survivors; urban polyclinic; in-depth medical examination; prevention; medical rehabilitation

Bibliographic reference:
O.A. Dimova, V.S. Stupak, V.V. Liutsko, V.N. Korablev, A.M. Yarovenko, ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL CARE FOR COVID-19 SURVIVORS AT THE LEVEL OF A CITY POLYCLINIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1343 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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