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Kiryakova O.V.1, Suslin S.A.1, Bogatyreva G.P.1, Koryakin S.A.1, Sadreeva S.H.1, Zinatullina D.S.1
1. Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Samara
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Introduction. The problem of the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system (DCS) among the population continues to be extremely relevant both for the Russian Federation and for most countries of the world, and DCS is rightly attributed to one of the determining factors in the formation of public health that require modern medical and organizational solutions.
Purpose: to study organizational approaches to improving the provision of medical care to patients with diseases of the circulatory system.
Materials and methods. Modern publications by Russian and foreign authors on the organization of medical care for the population with diseases of the circulatory system were used as the scientific basis of the study. A review of literature sources is presented, taking into account the historical perspective, mainly over the past fifteen years. The publication was prepared using the analytical method of research, as well as the method of content analysis.
Results and discussion. In the early 2000s, a Federal target program for the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension was approved in Russia, and since 2006, the priority National project "Health" began to be implemented, solving the tasks of reducing mortality, including from diseases of the circulatory system; increasing the availability and quality of medical care; developing the preventive component of the health system to provide the population with high-tech medical care. Since 2008, the country has begun implementing measures to provide medical care to patients with acute vascular diseases, new cardiological specialties have been introduced into the nomenclature of medical specialties. From 2012 to the present, the provision of medical care to adults with DCS is regulated by the Procedure for providing medical care to this category of patients approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The National Health Care Project, approved in 2018, set as one of the goals the reduction of mortality from DCS from 583 cases per 100 thousand. There will be up to 450 cases by 2024. Currently, in outpatient settings, a modern strategy is needed to improve the organization of medical care at DCS, taking into account the implementation of a targeted program for the modernization of primary health care. Fundamental importance should be given to the development of the human resources of specialists who provide care to patients with DCS, with increased requirements for their level of training. Taking into account the increasing needs of the population for specialized cardiological medical care, it is necessary to use the potential capabilities of hospitals, the therapeutic and diagnostic capacities of inpatient conditions at different levels and stages of medical care.
Conclusion. The issues of the organization of medical care for patients with DCS are widely reflected in the publications of domestic and foreign researchers, the regulatory framework. Considerable attention in Russia is paid to the problems of implementing measures to provide medical care to the population with cardiovascular pathology within the framework of national projects both at the population level and in regional health systems. At the same time, not many publications are presented on the generalization of scientific and practical experience in improving the provision of medical care to patients with DCS at the level of united medical organizations, at the municipal level, taking into account the creation of new organizational and information models of medical care.
Keywords diseases of the circulatory system (DCS), organization of medical care, patients
Bibliographic reference:
Kiryakova O.V., Suslin S.A., Bogatyreva G.P., Koryakin S.A., Sadreeva S.H., Zinatullina D.S., ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACHES TO IMPROVING THE PROVISION OF MEDICAL CARE TO PATIENTS WITH CIRCULATORY DISEASES // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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