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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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A.V. Polikarpov1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow, Russia
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Introduction. The main goal of territorial planning in health care is to create conditions for the implementation of the tasks and functions of the health care system, ensuring the availability of medical care and increasing the efficiency of resource utilization, considering the advanced achievements of medical science, in view of changes in the medical and demographic situation, age characteristics of the population, chronicization of diseases. Purpose: to study the approaches to the development of territorial planning models to improve the accessibility of primary health care to the population. Materials and methods. Scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors, normative legal acts from the reference legal system “ConsultantPlus” were used as research materials. The research methods were informational and analytical, study and generalization of experience. Results and discussion. The article considers approaches to the development of territorial planning models to improve the accessibility of primary health care to the population It is shown that the regulatory legal framework in health care regulates the volume, types and methods of medical care, establishes standards for the provision of medical care in different types of medical organizations depending on the population and the territorial location of settlements relative to the nearest medical organizations. At the same time, an important problem from the position of territorial planning is the inequality in access to medical services in rural areas, especially for residents of the Far East in conditions of significant remoteness of settlements and limited transport accessibility. It is shown that the system of medical care for rural population is characterized by insufficient efficiency of medical, social and preventive measures considering the limited accessibility of medical care, which in turn confirms the need for continuous monitoring of accessibility of medical care and the need to use geographic information systems for these purposes. Conclusions. The current regulatory legal framework in public health does not establish norms regarding the parameters of the location of medical organizations (except for population size and distance) and does not consider the regional peculiarities of a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The use of geoinformation systems allows to form real-time views on the level of accessibility of medical care for the population depending on its type.
Keywords territorial planning in health care, primary health care, accessibility of medical care, Far East, rural population

Bibliographic reference:
A.V. Polikarpov, TO THE ISSUE OF TERRITORIAL PLANNING IN HEALTH CARE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1353 (date of access: 14.03.2025).

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