Организация здравоохранения
A.N. Sumin1, O.A. Melnikova1
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
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Introduction. Nowadays, online pharmacy is widely welcomed all over the world. Online sales of medicines are constantly growing. This trend makes online pharmacies (online pharmacies or e-pharmacies) the most popular in the world. Considering the relevance of the topic under consideration, in recent years the interest of the scientific community in the issues of remote provision of medicines as an important component of the patient’s digital circuit has increased significantly.
Purpose: to study the legal regulation of remote provision of medicines to patients in the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods: The information base of the study consists of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of remote provision of medicines to patients. The sample size was 41 regulatory documents. The analytical method and the content analysis method were used to analyze legal acts.
Results. This study presents the history of the formation of the legal field for remote provision of medicines to patients in the Russian Federation. The system of current regulatory and legal acts regulating the online delivery of medicines to the patient is considered. The main aspects of conducting an experiment on remote drug provision with prescription drugs are presented, including participants in the experiment and their functions, requirements for pharmacy organizations participating in the experiment. The interim results of the experiment on distance selling of prescription drugs, as an important factor in the doctor-pharmacist-patient chain, are considered.
Conclusions. During the study, the following results were obtained:
1. The requirements of legal acts regulating remote provision of medicines to patients in the Russian Federation have been systematized.
2. A functional model of an online pharmacy has been compiled in IDEF0 notation.
It seems appropriate to continue a comprehensive study of the issues of drug provision to the patient using remote technologies and scientific and methodological substantiation of various aspects of its further development. Of particular interest is the monitoring of the experiment on remote trading of prescription drugs for its further scaling.
Keywords remote provisioning, medicines, government regulation
Bibliographic reference:
A.N. Sumin, O.A. Melnikova, ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL FOR REGULATION OF MEDICINE PROVISION ISSUES FOR PATIENTS WITH AN EMPHASIS ON ONLINE TECHNOLOGY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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