Организация здравоохранения
M.O. Shuaibova1,2, S.A. Gumenyuk2, L.I. Dezhurnyj3,2
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Dagestan State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Makhachkala
2. State budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow of a special type “Moscow Territorial Scientific and Practical Center for Disaster Medicine (TSPCDM) DZM Moscow
3. Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health Care" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
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Relevance. According to official data, the level of injuries among the child population is increasing every year, which is explained by the fact that children cannot promptly recognize impending dangers, take measures to prevent them, and, if necessary, do not know how to provide first aid.
Materials and methods: during the work, gaming techniques, computer educational games for preschool children, multimedia solutions, a four-step teaching method, as well as questionnaires, statistical processing, etc. were used.
Results: Testing of the proposed program for training preschool children in first aid skills and monitoring its effectiveness was carried out by tracking the dynamics of the formation of criteria, which indicate significant positive dynamics.
Discussions: The analysis of child mortality and injury rates allows us to identify life- and health-threatening conditions, taking into account age categories and groups at increased risk of injury, which facilitates the selection of basic approaches to training and first aid.
Conclusions: Teaching first aid to preschool children involves, in our opinion, creating conditions for the use of various gaming techniques, educational computer games, situational tasks, taking into account the level of psychophysical and functional readiness, the ability to think independently, and act taking into account certain conditions.
Keywords first aid, preschool age, educational computer games, four-step teaching method
Bibliographic reference:
M.O. Shuaibova, S.A. Gumenyuk, L.I. Dezhurnyj, TEACHING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN FIRST AID TECHNIQUES // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 14.03.2025).
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