Материалы I Всероссийского форума по общественному здоровью (г. Москва, 11-12 октября 2017 г.)
Apsaliamova S.O.1, Khashir B.O.2, Khuazhev O.Z.2
1. Kuban State University of Medical
2. Kuban State University of Technology
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Methodical tools for planning, developing and launching an innovative project for the development of the market for protective, recreational and medical-ecological forest management services are considered. It is determined that innovation management is the decision-making under constantly changing conditions, the continuous review of the program and the reassessment of it as a whole and its component parts, which is surrounded by uncertainties of both internal and external order, with the need to redistribute resources, assess market opportunities in the der-ivation of that or other services of protective, recreational and medico-ecological forest management on the tar-get market segment. Therefore, any planning and management system should be flexible enough, and the dynamic nature of the situation requires more management attention, where each project must begin with a clear goal statement, since the final success is determined in the market, then the goals must be determined by the market de-mand, the target market segment, its interrelated characteristics market capacity, acceptable price, efficiency, time of product withdrawal, when the service of medical-ecological forest management in turn should be is deter-mined by its effectiveness, price and date of occurrence.
Keywords economy, medicine, forestry, investments, innovations, nature management, ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem, green economy, recreation
Bibliographic reference:
Apsaliamova S.O., Khashir B.O., Khuazhev O.Z., INNOVATIVE FORMS OF EFFECTIVE MEDICAL AND ECOLOGICAL FOREST MANAGEMENT // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2017. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=139 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=139 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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