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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


F.I. Stradymov1, V.S. Stupak1, V.V. Liutsko1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health, Moscow
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Introduction. The formation of a network of medical organizations in the subject of the Russian Federation is a key condition for the availability of medical care for the population. Obsolescence and deterioration of the historically established infrastructure of municipal health care, decrease in the number of rural population and residents of small towns become prerequisites for the search of new organizational solutions for the provision of medical care in inpatient settings, respectively, and change the structure of the bed network of regional health care systems. Implementation of the principle of centralization of medical organizations and their separate subdivisions allows to improve the availability and quality of medical care, to increase the efficiency of the use of fixed assets and bed network, personnel and medical equipment in the health care system. The creation of inter-territorial centers for the provision of medical care to the population in inpatient settings can become one of the promising directions for the optimization of patient routes, taking into account the existing requirements for the territorial planning of medical organizations at the regional level. At the same time, the methodology of creating interterritorial centers remains understudied. Purpose of the study: to conduct an analytical review of publications devoted to the regional peculiarities of the organization of interterritorial centers and departments providing medical care in inpatient settings in the subject of the Russian Federation. Methods and materials of the study. The content analysis of domestic and foreign scientific publications devoted to interterritorial centers and departments providing medical care in inpatient settings was carried out. The prerequisites for the organization of interterritorial centers and departments, peculiarities of providing medical care to residents of rural areas and small towns are described. A total of 109 sources of literature, including reviews, opinions of experts and politicians were analyzed, from which 41 sources were selected, according to the keywords: “interterritorial centers”; “intermunicipal centers”; “interregional centers” for the last 20 years. Results. The issues of organization of interterritorial centers of medical care are widely covered in various information materials and are the subject of interest of researchers and practitioners. Inter-territorial centers and departments providing medical care in inpatient settings, including specialized care, are universally created through the reorganization and re-profiling of the bed stock of health care institutions, during the formation of new medical organizations or the formation of subdivisions within a medical organization on a functional basis. At the same time there are no ideal structures, the search for new solutions should be based on the construction of models of medical care to the population based on the study of regional characteristics and approaches to territorial planning to achieve indicators of affordable, quality and safe medical care to the population. Conclusion. The analytical review of publications shows that the creation of interterritorial centers and departments providing medical care in inpatient settings remains relevant and corresponds to the modern challenges facing the health care system. Taking into account that the methodology of creating interterritorial centers remains poorly studied, a new search for solutions for the organization and modeling of interterritorial centers is required, taking into account the peculiarities of health care systems at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Keywords regional health care, modeling, territorial planning, interterritorial centers and departments, provision of accessible medical care

Bibliographic reference:
F.I. Stradymov, V.S. Stupak, V.V. Liutsko, ORGANIZATION OF INTERTERRITORIAL CENTERS AND DEPARTMENTS PROVIDING MEDICAL CARE IN INPATIENT SETTINGS. ANALYTICAL REVIEW // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1411 (date of access: 22.12.2024).

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