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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Диагностика и профилактика преждевременного старения


O.V. Kalnichenko1, V.S. Stupak1
1. Russian Research Institute of Health
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Introduction. One of the main objectives of the national policy is to increase life expectancy and outstrip the growth of healthy life expectancy indicators. Cardiovascular diseases continue to be a leading cause of death in our country. Among the most common and socially significant cardiovascular conditions are those characterized by high blood pressure. They affect 31.1% of adults worldwide, despite awareness of these conditions and efforts to treat and control them. Dispensary monitoring is crucial for the treatment of high blood pressure and plays a significant role in managing hypertensive deseases and reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications. Considering the current challenges to effective patient counselling by doctors, such as the limited time available during medical appointments, it is essential to continue scientific research in order to develop strategies to improve the organisation of outpatient care for patients using modern information technology. Goal. An analytical review of publications on the organization of outpatient monitoring for patients with hypertensive deseases. Material and methods. A content analysis of scientific publications on the morbidity and mortality of hypertensive diseases was conducted. The aim was to identify risk factors for these diseases and to organize dispensary follow-up. In total, 73 sources of literature were analyzed, including expert opinions and collections of statistical materials. From these, 29 sources were selected according to keywords over the past five years, reflecting the most pressing issues in providing medical care for patients with high blood pressure in terms of organizing dispensary monitoring and controlling risk factors that affect the development of the disease. Results and discussion. Based on the content analysis, we found that the control of diseases associated with high blood pressure is inadequate. It has been noted in the literature that lifestyle factors may be the cause of these conditions. At the same time, clinical recommendations suggest that implementing lifestyle changes is Class I evidence-based, contributing to the achievement of target blood pressure levels. According to scientific research, when attending physicians provide lifestyle recommendations, patients are more likely to follow a healthy lifestyle. In turn, the use of information technology plays a crucial role in monitoring a patient's adherence to the doctor's recommendations. It allows for the management of behavioral risk factors on an individual level. Conclusions. Due to the importance of dispensary monitoring for patients with high blood pressure, which can help reduce preventable mortality, it is essential to develop a system for remotely monitoring lifestyle changes and managing behavioral risk factors among these patients.
Keywords hypertensive deseases, patients, dispensary monitoring; information technology; monitoring; management of risk factors.

Bibliographic reference:
O.V. Kalnichenko, V.S. Stupak, ORGANIZATION OF DISPENSARY MONITORING OF PATIENTS WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. ANALYTICAL REVIEW. // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1428 (date of access: 22.12.2024).

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