Медицинская статистика
N.G. Anpilova,1, I.P. Burashnikova,1, G.A. Chepurko,2, A.D. Znovenko,1, O.A. Pasechnik1, V.V. Kornyakova1
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Omsk State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Omsk
2. Budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region «Clinical oncological dispensary»
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Introduction (relevance). The incidence of ovarian cancer and related mortality is a serious public health problem worldwide. In 2022, 324 603 new ovarian cancer cases and 206 956 deaths were reported worldwide, according to the World Cancer Research Fund International.
Purpose: to assess of the manifestations of ovarian cancer incidence and its outcomes in the female population of the Omsk region
Material and Methods: An observational descriptive and evaluative study for the period from 2012 to 2022 was conducted in the Omsk region. The material was information from the forms of federal statistical observation No. 7 "Information on malignant neoplasms", information from official statistical information collections, according to which changes in the intensity of morbidity and mortality of the female population with ovarian cancer were assessed, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of preventive measures in terms of early detection, mortality, and the index of accumulation of patient contingents
Results: In the long–term dynamics, the primary incidence of ovarian cancer (hereinafter referred to as "RYA") in the Omsk region increased from 16,6 to 18,2 cases per 100 000 female population. The average long-term incidence of breast cancer in Omsk in 2012-2022 was 19,5 per 100 thousand and was 3,4% higher than the same indicator in the region (18,9 per 100 thousand). In rural areas of the region, the incidence rate of RH was lower than the regional average by 7,6% (17,5 per 100 thousand).
The average annual one-year mortality rate was 21,2% and was 0.8% higher than the Russian average (21,0%). The proportion of cases detected at early stages increased from 38,8% in 2012 to 52,5% in 2022, the reduction of cases detected in stage III from 40,6% to 34,1% and stage IV from 18,2% in 2012 to 12,8% in 2022.
Discussions. Early diagnosis and reduction of mortality from malignant neoplasms are the targets set by the Federal project in Russia "Fight against oncological diseases". In order to prevent ovarian cancer, reduce the incidence and mortality of the female population at the regional level, new approaches are needed to implement a system of oncopathology screening measures, develop a system of measures that promote early access of patients to medical care in the presence of complaints, using the full potential of the media.
Conclusions (conclusion): To reduce the incidence and mortality from ovarian cancer, new approaches are needed to implement effective prevention strategies at the regional level.
Keywords cancer; ovaries; morbidity, mortality, prevention, female population.
Bibliographic reference:
N.G. Anpilova,, I.P. Burashnikova,, G.A. Chepurko,, A.D. Znovenko,, O.A. Pasechnik, V.V. Kornyakova, CURRENT ASPECTS OF THE INCIDENCE OF OVARIAN CANCER IN THE FEMALE POPULATION OF THE OMSK REGION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №5;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1460 (date of access: 07.03.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=1460 (date of access: 07.03.2025).
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