Организация здравоохранения
M.V. Vorobiev1,2, O.V. Tyurina1, O.V. Kholmogorskaya1, R.A. Mironov3
1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ivanovo State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo
2. Regional budgetary health care institution "Ivanovo Clinical Hospital named after Kuvayevs", Ivanovo
3. State Autonomous Institution of the Chuvash Republic for Additional Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Medical Studies" of the Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic
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Relevance: The increasing of functional intensity of medical organizations places increased demands on the optimization and improvement of their work forms. Much attention is given to inpatient replacement technologies, namely the development and operation of day-patient treatment at medical organizations. The reason of day-patient treatment popularity lies in the high demand for this form of medical care among the population, which allows patients not to "fall out" of their usual life. Thus, the development of day-patient treatment is a rational use of health resources and it allows solving both medical and social problems.
Purpose: to study the dynamics of the indicators of the day-patient treatment in medical organizations of the budgetary health system.
Material and research methods: The research was based on the multidisciplinary regional budgetary healthcare institution "Ivanovo Clinical Hospital named after Kuvaevs", which has a day-patient treatment in its structure, which provides medical care to the adult population both in inpatient and outpatient settings. The information was taken from day-patient treatment forms No. 14 "Information on the day-patient treatment activities of medical organizations" in 2019 to 2023 of the given medical organization. Research methods: statistical and analytical.
Results of the study: The article analyzes the main indicators of the day-patient treatment in the medical organization, such as bed usage per year, hospitalized morbidity, and the average length of stay in a bed. The day-patient treatment facility of the medical organization has 94 beds. During the analyzed period of work, 8953 patients received treatment in the facility. Throughout the study period, diseases of the circulatory system occupied a leading place in the structure of the causes of stay in the day hospital, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue were recorded in second place, diseases of the digestive system and diseases of the endocrine system occupied the third place in different years.
Conclusions: The analysis of the proportion of patient days by disease classes showed that diseases of the circulatory system occupied the leading place. Classes of diseases of the endocrine system, nervous system and respiratory organs registered the longest duration of stay of patients in the day-patient treatment facility. In 2023 the average occupancy of a bed in the day-patient treatment facility providing inpatient medical care was 227.17 days, in the day-patient treatment facility providing outpatient medical care – 315.24 days.
Keywords day-patient treatment, adult population, number of people treated, reasons for hospitalization, duration of treatment.
Bibliographic reference:
M.V. Vorobiev, O.V. Tyurina, O.V. Kholmogorskaya, R.A. Mironov, ANALYSIS OF THE DAY-PATIENT TREATMENT ACTIVITIES OF MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS IN 2019 TO 2023 // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №5;
URL: (date of access: 28.12.2024).
URL: (date of access: 28.12.2024).
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