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N.B. Naygovzina1, I.M. Son1, A.Sh. Senenko1, Yu.S. Titkova1, M.A. Patrushev2, E.A. Tsvetkova1, N.K. Makarova1, Z.L. Goncharevskaya1, M.V. Navarkin1, E.P. Vasilyeva1
1. Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Russian university of medicine» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
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Introduction. The article is devoted to the description of the approaches to assessing the content of medical care procedures by profile (hereinafter referred to as Procedures) due to the fact that the problem of using Procedures as a management tool for a medical organization remains relevant to the present time, despite the experience of more than 10 years of their use. The study of literature sources has shown that researchers mainly pay attention to the analysis of legal contradictions arising in the organization of medical care in accordance to the Procedures requiring clarification and regulatory consolidation, there are isolated publications devoted to the assessment of their content.
The purpose of the study. To develop approaches to assessing the content of medical care procedures regulating the provision of medical care by profile, for making managerial decisions.
Materials and methods. In the study are used methods of comparative analysis and expert assessments. There are selected 44 medical care procedures by profile and a special expert analysis map was created. The experts have identified 77 features characterizing the Procedures, which are assigned by identifiers. If the attribute is not defined in the Procedure, it is assigned by a zero value. Based on the features specified in the Procedure their total number is determined, as well as the maximum possible total number of features and the index of information content of the Procedure.
Results. The analysis has showed that the average frequency of occurrence of all the studied features is 27, that means, that 58.7% of the Procedures contained typical features, 41 (93.2%) Procedures are regulating primary health care providing according to the appropriate profile, all of Procedures are regulating the specialized medical care (inc. high-tech medical care) providing – 34 (77.3%), 30 (68.2%) Procedures are regulating emergency medical care providing, 29 (65.9%) – emergency specialized medical care providing. Only 8 (18.2%) of the 44 Procedures are regulating palliative medical care providing. The ranking of the Procedures according to the index of informativeness from the maximum to the minimum values has showed that 7 Procedures have a total index of informativeness 80% and higher; 16 Procedures – 60 – 80%, 21 Procedures – less than 60%.
Conclusion. The developed technology allows to assess the completeness of the content and informativeness of the medical care procedures according to medical care profiles for their systematic use in a multidisciplinary hospital, and can also be used to improve the algorithm for developing and correcting Procedures.
The conducted research can become the basis for improving the legal regulation of Procedures and the development of priority measures that are advisable to take to solve the problems of using Procedures as a managerial tool (inc. digital) for a medical organization.
Keywords procedures for the provision of medical care, medical care procedures, medical care profile, bed profile, type of medical care
Bibliographic reference:
N.B. Naygovzina, I.M. Son, A.Sh. Senenko, Yu.S. Titkova, M.A. Patrushev, E.A. Tsvetkova, N.K. Makarova, Z.L. Goncharevskaya, M.V. Navarkin, E.P. Vasilyeva, APPROACHES TO ASSESSING THE CONTENT OF THE MEDICAL CARE PROCEDURES BY PROFILE // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2024. - №5;
URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025).
URL: (date of access: 07.03.2025).
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