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Sterlikov S.A.1, Rusakova L.I.2, Son I.M.1
1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2. Central TB Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
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The three-year dynamics (registered in 2012-2014) of outcomes of treatment of cases of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis registered in public health care is analyzed in a retrospective cohort study in comparison with the introduction of new antituberculous drugs and new treatment protocols. There was an increase of treatment success rate of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, associated with approximately a third of the introduction of new medical technologies, and about two-thirds with increased adherence of patients to treatment. Currently, treatment success rate of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Russian Federation is slightly higher than in the world and the WHO European Region. When analyzing cases of mass (more than 100 units) treatment of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, registered in 2014, successful practices were not found to be applicable in the Russian Federation. Further scientific research is needed to find ways to improve the results of treatment of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis that are applicable in the Russian Federation.
Keywords extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, XDR-TB, treatment outcomes, federal clinical recommendations, new anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Bibliographic reference:
Sterlikov S.A., Rusakova L.I., Son I.M., EXTENSIVELY DRUG-RESISTANCE TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT OUTCOMES: RESULTS OF THE THREE-YEAR OBSERVATION // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2018. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=179 (date of access: 30.01.2025).

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