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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Skoblina N.A.1, Bokareva N.A.1, Tatarinchik A.A.1, Bulcaeva M.B.1
1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)
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In the recent years, new hygenic factors appear which can influence on the health of child population. One of this factors is the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the schoolchildren. Besides, education of the schoolchildren takes place in different types of educational organizations, that can also influence their day regimen and lifestyle. We studied special aspects of lifestyle and day regimen of modern senior schoolchildren, who are using ICT and are attending classes at different types of educational organizations. The long-term use of ICT during the day of modern senior schoolchildren reduces other daytime activities: sleep time, physical activity. The day regimen of modern senior schoolchildren doesn’t correspond with hygienic recommendations. We discovered that the lifestyle and day regimen of modern schoolchildren can be affected in the Schools of Health, where they are taught the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The experience of Health Schools should be taken into account when searching for effective forms of formation of healthy lifestyle facilities in schoolchildren.
Keywords schoolchildren, day regimen, lifestyle.

Bibliographic reference:
Skoblina N.A., Bokareva N.A., Tatarinchik A.A., Bulcaeva M.B., THE SPECIAL ASPECTS OF LIFESTYLE AND DAY REGIMEN OF MODERN SENIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2018. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=182 (date of access: 30.01.2025).

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