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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Perchov V.I.1,2
1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2. National medical research center of neurosurgery named after academician N. N. Burdenko of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
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Introduction. Neurosurgery is one of the most high-tech medical specialties. In the Arsenal of modern neurosurgery constantly improving methods of neuroimaging (x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging). In clinical practice, widely used methods to study the metabolic changes of the living brain-positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance spectroscopy and other diagnostic technologies. Objective: to study the indicators of specialized medical care in the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to justify the best management decisions in the field of health care and improve public health. Materials and methods. In the course of work the General set including all subjects of the Russian Federation (n=85) was considered. Sources of information-the form of the state statistical reporting (further - GSO) No. 14 "Data on activity of divisions of the medical organization rendering medical care in stationary conditions" (the order of Rosstat on the approval of the form of 27.11.2015 No. 59, of 27.12. 2016 № 866) , form GSO № 30 " Information about the medical organization (order of Rosstat on approval of the form from 4.09.2015 № 412); form GSO No. 47, "Information about the network and activities of health organizations (Rosstat order approving the form of 27.11.2015 No. 591), form GSO No. 57 "Data on injuries, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes" (approved by the resolution of Goskomstat of Russia on 29.06.99 № 49, by the order of Rosstat from 16.05.2016 No. 232). Since form No. 14 does not contain information on the number of operated patients, but only on the number of operations performed, the postoperative mortality rate was calculated as the ratio of the number of deaths in certain types of operations to the number of operations performed. Simple (unweighted) arithmetic means and the value of the standard deviation from the mean values were used to estimate the obtained data. Arithmetic means, variance, and standard deviation were calculated using IBM SPSS Statistics 22. For the spatial analysis of statistical data, indicators of provision of the subjects of the Russian Federation with neurosurgical beds are shown graphically. Research result. The capacity of 24-hour hospitals in Russia over the past three years has been reduced by about 20 thousand beds annually. If the whole country bedspace at the end of 2014 was 1141,5 thousand beds in 2015 – 1097,1 thousand beds 2016 - 1074,4, and in 2017 – 1054, 5 thousand beds. At the end of 2017, a total of 13072 neurosurgical beds were deployed in the Russian Federation, including 1,625 children's beds. In General, it is 407 beds (or 3.0%) less than in 2015. Taking into account the population in the country, the average provision of profile beds in 2017 is 8.9±2.9 beds per 100 thousand population (in 2016 - 9.01 beds per 100 thousand population). The total number of hospitalization cases (the sum of those admitted and died) in 2017 in neurosurgical beds amounted to 414.1 thousand cases (2.64±1.07 cases per 1000 population), which is 1.8 thousand cases more than in 2016. In most regions, the duration of treatment on beds of neurosurgical profile is close to the national average. Average annual employment bunks neurosurgical profile left in 2017 - 311,5±31.3 days (in 2016 316,4±26.1 days). This indicator varies from 240 to 370 days in the regions of the Russian Federation. Hospital-wide mortality in neurosurgical beds in 2017 amounted to an average of 1.13±1.02%, which is 10% less than in 2016 (1.25±1.14%). Hospital-wide mortality in neurosurgical beds in 2017 amounted to an average of 1.13±1.02%, which is 10% less than in 2016 (1.25±1.14%). Taking into account the children's neurosurgical departments, the total number of staff positions of neurosurgeons in 2017 is only 4722 units, of which 4264 units are employed. Summary. Another important problem is the disintegration of the health care management system in the form of weakening of the organizational vertical of the interaction of sectoral management bodies and managed objects. Our analysis of the indicators characterizing the work of neurosurgical hospitals in each of the subjects of the Russian Federation shows that the neurosurgical service of the country's health care system is divided into fragments that differ significantly in resources and results. The study also showed that in many regions in neurosurgical hospitals performed very few operations on the nervous system. There is a significant variability of postoperative mortality in the surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system. All this may indicate problems not only with the quality of medical care, but also with the quality of management, insufficient scientific, methodological and expert support for regional specialized medical services, as well as with insufficient coordination of their practical activities, which also harms the partnership of specialized medical specialists. To overcome these problems will require, first of all, a clear understanding of the achieved goal and its indicators, which assess the correctness of the movement, as well as strengthening at the Federal level of coordination of regional and Federal medical organizations in the field of neurosurgery – one of the most high-tech areas of scientific and clinical activities.
Keywords neurosurgery, high-tech medical care, public health and health care, availability of medical care, bed Fund, security of the population, management in health care

Bibliographic reference:
Perchov V.I., THE PERFORMANCE OF THE HOSPITALS NEUROSURGICAL PROFILE TO 2017 // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=222 (date of access: 18.07.2024).

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