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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Skoblina N.A.1, Milushkina O.Yu.1, Gavryushin M.Yu.2, Gudinova Zh.V.3, Sazonova O.V.2, Bokareva N.A.1, Tatarinchik A.A.1
1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of MH, Moscow
2. Samara State Medical University of MH, Samara
3. Omsk State Medical University of MH, Omsk
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The issues of studying the patterns of growth and development of the child population are the priority problem for society and the country. The aim of the work: the scientific and methodological standardization and creation of the software product "Standards of physical development of children and adolescents" for using at the regional level. Material and methods. We conducted a comparative analysis of the results of anthropometric studies of children living in different regions of Russia at different times, as well as analysis and synthesis of the results of our own research and literature data for the scientific substantiation of the methodological approach to the development of standards of physical development of children and adolescents. The results of the study and their discussion. It is shown that the physical development of children depends on many factors, and therefore standards should be developed account the regional approach and the temporal nature. The paper presents and scientifically justified algorithm for the development of standards of physical development of children. Conclusion. The application of the developed algorithm will provide the regions with modern data, will lead to comparability of results within the country and in the time aspect, will allow timely identification of children with disabilities in physical development, and thus timely determine the volume of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures.
Keywords physical development of children, preventive examinations, norms, regression scale.

Bibliographic reference:
Skoblina N.A., Milushkina O.Yu., Gavryushin M.Yu., Gudinova Zh.V., Sazonova O.V., Bokareva N.A., Tatarinchik A.A., EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILDREN'S POPULATION: MODERN PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №2;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=243 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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