Организация здравоохранения
A.A. Kalininskaya1, A.V. Grechko2, M.D. Merekina3, L.G. Maksimova22
1. Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Moscow, Russia
2. Federal scientific and clinical center of resuscitation and rehabilitation, Moscow
3. Russian medical Academy of continuing professional education of Healthof the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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Relevance. For all the importance of using hospital-replacing forms of organizing medical care in dermatology and venereology, they are developing in the Russian Federation at a very slow pace.The low efficiency of the inpatient dermatological care organization is due to the fact that the terms of treatment of patients in the MES are overestimated, their examination is unreasonably long, patients are not prepared for planned hospitalization on an outpatient basis, there are frequent cases of duplication of examinations at different stages of care diagnostic process.
Purpose of research. On the basis of the expertise to assess the effectiveness of the use of the bed Fund in the hospital, to determine the amount of work that can be done in a day hospital or in an outpatient setting.
Research methods: statistical, direct observation, expert assessments. The analysis of the main indicators of activity of day hospitals of dermatovenerological profile in Russia in 2015 showed that the number of beds of dermatological and venereal profile (according to the reporting forms of 14 DS "Sectoral statistical observation of the Russian Federation") for the entire population of the Russian Federation was 6809, with almost half (50.8%) 3456 beds were deployed in medical organizations providing assistance in hospital conditions (mosu). According to the statistical reporting forms of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation in the CU dermatological profile for the year of analysis worked 6025 beds, of which 51.0% (3072) in medical organizations providing assistance in hospital conditions (mosu). The average duration of treatment of patients in DS dermatological profile was 12.2 days, in DS mosu slightly higher-13.05 days, and in DS MOAU slightly lower-11.36 days. In the course of the study, we studied the validity of hospitalization of patients in the CVD base area (Tver), which allowed to identify the reserves of the use of the bed Fund in dermatology. The examination was carried out with the help of the "card of expert assessment of the validity of hospitalization of the patient in the CVD"developed by us. 1154 medical histories were examined. The representativeness of the sample was determined by the formula of non-repetitive sampling proposed by A. A. Merkov, L. E. Polyakov. The article presents the results of research work carried out in the skin-venereal dispensary (CVD) of Tver. The study included an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of bed stock in dermatology. The analysis of hospitalized patients in the pilot CVD (in Tver) is given. The expert determined by the proportion of hospitalized patients, the treatment time could be reduced by treatment in an out-patient, day patient or due to a more intensive treatment.
Conclusion: Calculations showed that the total economic effect from the introduction of DS, proper organization of work, from the use of modern technologies of treatment and examination of patients, due to earlier discharge of patients for follow-up care in MOAU, amounted to 40.2% of the current annual expenditure on the maintenance of bed capacity .
The results of our expertise can be used to calculate the need for beds in day hospitals, as well as to calculate the economic effect of rationalizing the use of beds of a dermatological profile.
Keywords day hospital, efficient use of bed stock, patient, dermatology, hospital beds, medical organization, providing medical services in the outpatient setting, medical organization, providing medical care in stationary conditions.
Bibliographic reference:
A.A. Kalininskaya, A.V. Grechko, M.D. Merekina, L.G. Maksimova2, THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF HOSPITAL BEDS IN DERMATOLOGY // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №2;
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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