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Mina. A. Gafur1, Anna V. Fomin1, Ivad A. Taraki2
1. RUDN university, Moscow
2. P. A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Center - branch of FSBI NMRRC of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
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Afghanistan has long been considered the country with the highest maternal mortality rate in the world. Experts estimate that between 40 and 50% of deaths of women of childbearing age are associated with complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Aim. Тo study the medical and social causes of maternal mortality and develop measures to reduce it, taking into account social, religious, medical characteristics in Afghanistan
Materials and methods. The study was conducted using questionnaire method among pregnant women Study included 306 patients among age from 9 to 40 years.
Results. The survey was conducted among the three largest cities in Afghanistan: Kabul as the capital of the country (n = 102), Badakhshan as an economically favorable, developing city (n = 102), and Helmand with an unstable military situation (n = 102). At the same time, the equal distribution of patients admitted to the hospitals of all three cities was taken into account. So, 52.9% of the respondents were from villages, 47.1% from cities. The average age of the respondents was 23 years. According to the frequency of occurrence of adverse events, the majority of pregnant women (n = 104, 34%) noted some of the adverse event during the entire gestation period. And only 4 respondents denied any adverse events during pregnancy. An important predictor of possible complications in the pre, intras, postnatal period was the possibility of being under medical supervision during pregnancy. Only 35% of women (n = 106) visited the doctor during all their pregnancies. However, it should be noted that there are objective reasons for this. The most common reasons why women did not attend the doctors were: the absence of medical centers nearby, the military situation in the region, the lack of transport and roads. In 88.2% of cases (n = 270), the delivery was premature.
Conclusion. The key and effective measures to prevent maternal mortality in Afghanistan are access to: a family planning center, the possibility of medical abortion, emergency obstetric care.
Keywords maternal mortality, method of questioning, Afghanistan, postpartum hemorrhage, developing countries.
Bibliographic reference:
Mina. A. Gafur, Anna V. Fomin, Ivad A. Taraki, COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MATERNAL MORTALITY STRUCTURE IN AFGHANISTAN // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №3;
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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