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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


E.V.Ogryzko1, E.A.Shelepova1, D.V.Vankov2
1. Federal Research Institute for Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2. Vologda Regional Clinical Hospital, Vologda
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Introduction. The third place in the structure of mortality in the Russian Federation for five years has been taken by external causes of mortality (the first place is the circulatory system diseases, the second place is the neoplasms). In the structure of mortality in the Russian Federation, death from external causes ranks third, after death in consequence of diseases of the circulatory organs and neoplasms. It is death from external causes that significantly affect life expectancy. The relevance of studying the external causes of mortality is due to the fact that it is one of the classes of causes that can be prevented with the least social and economic costs for the state. Objective: to analyze the mortality of the population from external causes by federal districts and subjects in the Russian Federation for the period 2012-2016. Materials and methods. Mortality rate in the Russian Federation for the period from 2012 to 2016 analyzed on the basis of data collections "Medical-demographic indicators of the Russian Federation" [1-3]. Rosstat data on the distribution of the deceased by sex, age groups and causes of death were used (Table C 51 of form No. 5). Results and discussion. In 2016, in the Russian Federation, 167,543 people died of external causes, which amounted to 114.2 cases per 100,000 population. In the structure of mortality from external causes in the Russian Federation for 2016, the first place is occupied by injuries with uncertain intentions (25.8%), the second place is accidental poisoning and exposure to poisonous substances (14.7%), the third place is deliberate self-harm (13 , 8%), fourth place - traffic accidents (12.9%), fifth place - attack (6.3%). During the analyzed period of time, there is a positive trend, characterized by a decrease in mortality from all external causes by 15.6%. Mortality from all transport accidents decreased (by 29.7%), of which - road accidents (by 25.0%); accidental poisoning and exposure to toxic substances (15.2%), including accidental poisoning (exposure) with alcohol (9.4%); accidental drowning (immersion in water) (by 22.8%); accidental accidents caused by exposure to smoke, fire and flame (by 37.3%); intentional self-harm (by 24.0%); attacks (by 33.3%). However, in 2012-2016, there is an increase in mortality from injuries with uncertain intentions (by 6.5%). Alcohol poisoning is a significant cause of death in the Russian Federation. In 2016, 14,021 people died from accidental alcohol poisoning (exposure), which amounted to 9.6 cases per 100,000 population. For 2012-2016 the indicator decreased from 10.6 to 9.6, that is, by 9.4%. In 2016, in the Russian Federation, 15 854 people died from road traffic accidents, which amounted to 10.8 cases per 100 thousand population. For the period 2012-2016 death rate from road accidents decreased by 25% (from 14.4 in 2012 to 10.8 in 2016). The materials of the first global suicide report on suicides in the world are discussed, as well as the activities of WHO and in the Russian Federation on stabilizing and reducing the number of deaths from accidents. Summary. In the structure of mortality in Russia, external causes during 2012-2016. hold the third place after diseases of the circulatory system and tumors. In 2016, the first place is occupied by injuries with uncertain intentions (25.8%), the second place is accidental poisoning and exposure to toxic substances (14.7%), the third place is deliberate self-harm (13.8%), the fourth place is traffic accidents cases (12.9%), fifth place - attack (6.3%). All this is connected to a greater extent with the quality of medical care. To overcome, you will need to strengthen the work on coding and selecting the initial cause of mortality. Measures aimed at reducing mortality from external causes should include comprehensive measures aimed at improving the safety of the environment, as well as at improving the health and behavioral changes of the population.
Keywords mortality, coding, dynamics, traffic accidents.

Bibliographic reference:
E.V.Ogryzko, E.A.Shelepova, D.V.Vankov, FEATURES OF THE DYNAMICS OF MORTALITY FROM EXTERNAL CAUSES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR 2012-2016 YEARS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=284 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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