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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Организация здравоохранения


Merekina MD1
1. FGBOU DPO "RMANPO" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
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The program of state guarantees provided for a decrease by almost 20% in the volume of inpatient care due to the development of hospital-substituting forms, while it is planned to increase spending on outpatient care. Day hospitals (DS) are one of the ways to intensify the therapeutic and diagnostic process. In conditions of DS, diagnostics, preparation for hospitalization, treatment of patients, and, in some cases, aftercare after discharge from the hospital, are performed. DS are organized on the basis of medical organizations that provide medical care in an outpatient setting (MOAU), and on the basis of medical organizations that provide medical care in inpatient conditions (MOSC). The aim of the study is to study and evaluate the forms of work of the DS, the regulatory documents regulating them, the analysis of the main indicators of the DS activity in the Russian Federation in 2017 and shows the reasons hindering the development of hospital-replacing technologies in the Russian Federation. Materials and research methods: statistical, sociological, monographic, direct observation; The forms of federal statistical observation No. 47 and sectoral statistical observation No. 14 ds concerning indicators of DS activity in the Russian Federation, federal districts and subjects are analyzed. Results. The analysis shows the low efficiency of use of MOSU bed capacity. The development of hospital-replacing forms of medical care improves the use of hospital bed capacity. However, inpatient forms do not receive proper development. Sociological studies indicate the medical feasibility of the development of day hospitals. Calculations are needed in the DS beds in a differentiated manner for DS organized on the basis of MOAU and MOS, and the question of the organizational forms of DS work and the use of human resources in day and night hospitals should be resolved. Conclusion. The widespread use of hospital-substituting forms of work in the 1960s has now lost its significance due to the imperfection of the legal framework governing the activities of inpatient hospitals and DS in particular. Doctors who head the activities of medical organizations and attending MOSC physicians do not have a material interest in the early discharge of the patient from the inpatient hospital around the clock.
Keywords Key words: day hospitals, hospital-substituting technologies, 24-hour inpatient hospital, medical organizations providing medical care in outpatient settings, medical organizations providing medical care in hospital conditions.

Bibliographic reference:
Merekina MD, ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIA // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №3;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=288 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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