Геронтология и гериатрия
M. V. Koroleva1, A. N. Ilnitski1,2, E. V. Kudashkina2, E. I. Korshun1,2, A. A. Sharova3, T.V. Kuksova4, А.V. Reznik2, O.N. Belousova5
1. Academy of postgraduate education of the Federal state budgetary institution "Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency", Moscow
2. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Moscow
3. Russian national research medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Ministry of health of Russia, Moscow
4. Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh
5. Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod
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Actuality: Dementia is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide. A number of authors put on the first place cerebrovascular disorders as a cause of dementia. Cognitive impairment that does not reach the degree of dementia accounts for 15-20%. Among the factors contributing to the depletion of cognitive reserve, it should be noted metabolic syndrome. However, studies aimed at comprehensive cognitive rehabilitation, taking into account the correction of several factors that form the cognitive reserve at the same time, have not yet been conducted.
Purpose: to develop an optimal set of measures aimed at cognitive rehabilitation of elderly patients with moderate cognitive impairment on the background of metabolic syndrome
Material and methods: The object of this study were elderly people living in homes for elderly citizens and disabled people, undergoing treatment in a 24-hour geriatric hospital and living at home.At the first stage, all patients were divided into two groups. The first group included elderly people who were constantly at home (unorganized population), the sample size in this group was 307 people, the average age was 72.5+1.3 years. The second group consisted of elderly patients receiving medical and social care on the basis of houses for elderly citizens and disabled people. The volume of observation was 305 people, their average age was 72.1+1.2 years. The data were obtained by interviewing and copying data from medical records.
Results: We have proved that the use of the complex of cognitive rehabilitation measures developed by us significantly leads to an improvement in the cognitive status of elderly patients, to a significant reduction in the number of falls against the background of the proposed rehabilitation programs from 2.5+0.2 to 0.3+0.1, to improve the dynamics of subjective sensations in maladaptive syndromes of dizziness, hearing and vision loss. When studying the quality of life, we reliably noted an improvement in the main group after the use of cognitive rehabilitation on almost all scales.
Conclusions: The optimal program of cognitive rehabilitation for elderly patients with moderate cognitive impairment on the background of metabolic syndrome includes elements of su-Jok therapy (massage with a ball, an elastic ring), neuroscience ("hand change", stimulation of tactile afferentation without vision control), medical support with Cortexin 10 mg on the background of basic therapy, kinesiotherapy-balance development ("walking on the line"), heterolateral exercises ("lizard","skier"). The rehabilitation program developed by us significantly reduces the degree of cognitive impairment, the severity of the main maladaptive geriatric syndromes, improves the quality of life of elderly patients
Keywords cognitive rehabilitation, elderly patient, metabolic syndrome, geriatric patients
Bibliographic reference:
M. V. Koroleva, A. N. Ilnitski, E. V. Kudashkina, E. I. Korshun, A. A. Sharova, T.V. Kuksova, А.V. Reznik, O.N. Belousova, COMPREHENSIVE COGNITIVE REHABILITATION OF ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=304 (date of access: 30.01.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=304 (date of access: 30.01.2025).
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