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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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Kudrina E.A.1, Tchurakov I.V.1
1. Izhevsk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Izhevsk
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Introduction. Malignant neoplasms in the structure of incidence of chronic non-communicable pathology of the population, both the Udmurt Republic (UR) and the Russian Federation (RF) occupy the second place, second only to cardiovascular diseases. Thus, in 2017, 617,177 people (420,300/0000) again fell ill in the Russian Federation, 6,197 people (409.060/0000) in the UR. In this regard not accidentally in the Udmurt Republic 2017 it is announced Year of prevention of oncological diseases (The decree of the head UR №238 of 22.11.2016). Since 2019, the Russian Federation has implemented a national project "Health Care," in which one of the most important federal projects is "Cancer Control," which has the main task - to reduce mortality from malignant neoplasms. At the same time, a significant amount of financial resources will be allocated to the organization of outpatient oncological care for the population in both UR and the Russian Federation, which will further update the problem of epidemiology of oncological diseases at the regional and federal levels. Summary: the article presents the results of the study of the level and structure of morbidity and mortality of malignant neoplasms in the Udmurt Republic (UR) and population differences from the indicators of the Russian Federation (RF). The purpose of the study: to carry out an analysis of epidemiological indicators on leading localizations of malignant neoplasms (MNG) among the population of the (UR) for 2007-2017. Materials and methods: a retrospective and prospective clinical and epidemiological study was carried out to study morbidity and mortality of the population of UR for a 10-year period (2007-2017). Information sources: forms of federal statistical observation № 30 for 2007-2017 across the Russian Federation (RF) and UR, notices about for the first time in life the revealed MNG cases (form № 090/s) and protocols of neglect (form № 027-2/s), data of reports of Federal and Regional cancer registers from 2007 to 2017. Results of a research were subjected to statistical processing by methods of parametrical and nonparametric statistics. Linear and polynomial trends were constructed to predict the epidemiological situation by regression analysis. Results: during the analyzed period, the average rate of primary morbidity of the NPA per 100 thousand population amounted to 353,7 in the UR, which is lower than the level in the Russian Federation (375,7 respectively). The incidence increased in SD from 302,2 to 409,1, in the Russian Federation from 341,6 to 420,3, the growth rate was 123,1% and 135,4% respectively. In the structure of MNG in UR the leading places were occupied by neoplasms of visual localizations: skin and breast cancer. The incidence rates of MNG in the male population of UR were higher than in the Russian Federation, the growth rate in UR was 136,2% and in the Russian Federation 120,4%. The incidence of MNG in the female population of UR was lower than in the Russian Federation, the growth rate was 134,5% and 125,4% respectively. The mortality rate for Russia stabilized, while for Udmurtia it continued to gradually increase. Conclusion: The oncological epidemiological situation in Udmurtia and Russia is characterized by an increase in primary morbidity and stabilization of the mortality rate of the general population, as well as among the male and female population; In the structure of primary morbidity in the Udmurt Republic, visual localizations occupy leading places, which requires organizational measures to increase the level of oncological caution of doctors at the primary level of health care; The study revealed population differences in the level and structure of incidence in the Udmurt Republic compared to federal indicators, which necessitates the development of regional cancer control programmes taking into account territorial characteristics
Keywords malignant neoplasms, epidemiology, morbidity, mortality, prognosis

Bibliographic reference:
Kudrina E.A., Tchurakov I.V., POPULATION CHARACTERISTIC OF LEADING MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS IN POPULATION OF UDMURT REPUBLIC // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2019. - №4;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=309 (date of access: 30.01.2025).

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