Геронтология и гериатрия
A. N. Ilnitskiy1,2, T. V. Kuksova3, E. A. Voronina4, L.V. Titareva5, K.A. Bocharova6
1. Academy of postgraduate education of the Federal state budgetary institution "Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency", Moscow
2. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Moscow.
3. Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh
4. Department of social protection of the population of the Kemerovo region, Kemerovo
5. Kursk state medical University, Kursk
6. Belgorod state national research University, Belgorod
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Actuality: systematic treatment of osteoarthrosarcoporosis includes various medications and non-drug methods, such as the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics; the use of funds that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles with a decrease in motor activity; dosed exercise and physical therapy; wearing corsets; massage after 3-6 months from the beginning of pharmacotherapy; the use of special nutrition. The interaction of diseases associated with osteoarthrosarcoporosis gives an atypical clinical picture, leads to an increased risk of complications, which reduces the quality of life and worsens prognostic factors. In this regard, the treatment of osteoarthrosarcoporosis is a complex problem, especially in older people. it is a series of complex measures aimed at restoring metabolism in the bone tissue, preventing the progression of this disease, as well as restoring neuroimmunoendocrine and microelement disorders, and correcting metabolic metabolism. Therefore, research in the field of studying the positive pleiotropic effects of drugs is relevant and promising in terms of reducing polypragmasia of an older patient.
Purpose: to evaluate the positive pleiotropic effects of antiresorbents in older patients, taking into account the chronicity of age-associated pathologies and the presence of osteoarthrosarcoporosis.
Materials and methods: in order to identify the positive pleiotropic effects of antiresorbents in older patients, we formed two groups of elderly patients with impaired glucose tolerance and osteoarthrosarcoporosis. The first group of patients (n=34) was treated with Calcemin, the second group of patients (n= 36) was treated with Calcemin and zometa, which consists of zoledronic acid monohydrate. Detection of positive pleiotropic effects of antiresorbents in older patients was determined by the dynamics of phosphorus and calcium metabolism, the dynamics of the state of muscle tissue, and the need for hypoglycemic therapy.
Results: the use of drugs containing zoledronic acid monohydrate can increase the level of calcium in the blood serum to normal reference values. The data obtained indicate a positive pleiotropic effect of zoledronic acid on calcium metabolism in older patients with osteoarthrosarcoporosis and impaired glucose tolerance. The use of drugs containing zoledronic acid led to an improvement in the dynamics of the clinical status in older patients with osteoarthrosarcoporosis and impaired glucose tolerance. Positive pleiotropic effects of drugs containing zoledronic acid were expressed in an increase in muscle strength by 1.6 times, which is the prevention of progression and development of sarcopenia in such patients, reducing the degree of pain in the vertebral column by 1.4 times and in the bones by 1.6 times, which directly affects the quality of life of older patients. Another positive pleiotropic effect of the use of drugs containing zolendronic acid can be considered a decrease in the volume of osteoporetic therapy in older patients with osteoarthrosarcoporosis.
Conclusions: in the management of older patients with osteoarthrosarcoporosis, it is advisable to include long-term use of drugs containing zolendronic acid, since they have pleiotropic effects.
Keywords osteosarcoma, arthritis, antiresorptive therapy, pleiotropic effects, old age.
Bibliographic reference:
A. N. Ilnitskiy, T. V. Kuksova, E. A. Voronina, L.V. Titareva, K.A. Bocharova, PLEIOTROPIC EFFECTS ANTIREZORBTIVE THERAPY IN OSTEOARTHROSARCOPOROSIS // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=433 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=433 (date of access: 01.04.2025).
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