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Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics»
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T. E. Nichik1, A. N. Ilnitski2,3, E. V. Kudashkina2, T.V. Kuksova4, А.V. Reznik2, E. A. Voronina5
1. GBUZ So Tolyatti city clinical hospital № 1, Tolyatti
2. Autonomous non-profit Organization research Medical center Gerontology, Moscow.
3. Academy of postgraduate education of the Federal state budgetary institution "Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency", Moscow
4. Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh
5. Department of social protection of the population of the Kemerovo region, Kemerovo
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Actuality: The use of the principle of personalization based on the study of a person's nutritional status, calculation of energy and plastic needs corresponds to the current level of solving the problem of optimizing nutrition at any age, including for the purpose of slowing down the aging process. The primary task of a specialist in the field of preventive geriatrics is to study the nutritional status of a person, identify the malnutrition syndrome, which will allow you to give full recommendations for its dietary correction. Purpose: to study innovative methods for screening for malnutrition syndrome based on literature data. Material and methods: we studied the literature data on search words-malnutrition, computer technologies, questionnaires, scales, old age, geriatric syndrome for 2015-2020 in computer databases, PubMed, Medical-Science, Elibrary, Ceeol, JSTOR, Web of Science, Scopus. Results: Preventive geriatrics is a highly personalized area, since we are not talking about specific procedures, but about entire programs that are made individually for each patient. In foreign literature, it is described that 5 tests are used to assess the nutritional status of patients: ESPEN, SNAQ, MUST, MNA-SF and SGA). In order to improve the quality of medical services, the Gerontology Research medical center has developed computer programs for smartphones and tablets "Optimizing care for patients of older age groups in outpatient settings" (2016) and "Optimizing nutrition for patients with eating disorders" (2016). The use of information technologies in preventive geriatrics allows us to solve the problem of optimizing and personalizing nutrition as a Foundation for preserving and increasing the health resource in order to slow down the aging process. Active participation in preventive programs of the person contributes to the formation of the principles of healthy nutrition. Conclusions: The use of the personalization principle based on the study of a person's nutritional status, calculation of energy and plastic needs corresponds to the current level of solving the problem of optimizing nutrition at any age, including in order to slow down the aging process. The prospect of further research in the field of improving the effectiveness of preventive geriatric programs is presented in the implementation of the proposed programs for smartphones and tablets, which will provide qualified assistance and assess the quality of the methods used. This integration of information technologies into preventive geriatric programs will enable effective, managed monitoring of the quality of care provided.
Keywords overview, innovative technology, malnutrition syndrome, nutrition, computer technology, questionnaires, scales, old age, geriatric syndrome.

Bibliographic reference:
T. E. Nichik, A. N. Ilnitski, E. V. Kudashkina, T.V. Kuksova, А.V. Reznik, E. A. Voronina, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR SCREENING FOR MALNUTRITION SYNDROME (LITERATURE REVIEW) // Scientific journal «Current problems of health care and medical statistics». - 2020. - №1;
URL: http://healthproblem.ru/magazines?textEn=435 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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